Sorting Tree Sapling

Sorting Tree Sapling
Sorting Tree Sapling

Name Sorting Tree Sapling
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 0.0
Hardness 0.0
Burn Time 100 ticks (0.5 Items)
Solid No
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool

The Sorting Tree Sapling is a magic tree sapling. Like other "magic" tree saplings, it can only be found in loot chest like the chest from the Leaf Dungeon. Breaking Sorting Tree Leaves will only grant Jungle Saplings.

When a Sorting Tree Sapling is grown, it spawns a tree that appears to be very small and compact, being only five blocks in height. A total of 25 Sorting Leaves surround three Sortingwood and a Sortingwood Engine that make up the trunk of the Sorting Tree. Sorting Tree Saplings currently have no functional use, as Sortingwood can be turned into Sortingwood Planks and can be used in a Furnace.


Sorting Tree Sapling can be used to create the following items: