Ironwood Ingot (Twilight Forest)

Ironwood Ingot
Ironwood Ingot

Ironwood Ingot

Name Ironwood Ingot
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name Unknown
Type Crafting Component
Stackable Yes (64)

Ironwood Ingots are an improved version of Iron Ingots which have higher durability when made into tools and armor, give the tools and armor innate enchantments that are automatically added when the item is either crafted or spawned in (as opposed to Naga Scale Armor which is only enchanted when crafted), but cost slightly more than regular Iron in terms of time and resources. They are superior to regular Iron, equivalent to Steeleaf (although Steeleaf has higher innate enchantments) and inferior to Fiery Ingots. However, they are much easier to acquire than Fiery Ingots, as two Ironwood Ingots require only one Iron Ingot, one Gold Nugget and one Liveroot. Ironwood Ingots are created at a 1:2 ratio by smelting Raw Ironwood Materials in a furnace of any type. Ironwood Ingots are used in crafting nine items:

  • Ironwood Armor
    • Ironwood Helm
    • Ironwood Plate
    • Ironwood Legs
    • Ironwood Boots
  • Ironwood Tools
    • Ironwood Pick
    • Ironwood Sword
    • Ironwood Shovel
    • Ironwood Axe
    • Ironwood Hoe

Each of the types of tools has 512 durability points, whereas the armor has varying durability by piece type. The helmet has 220 durability points, the chestplate 320, the leggings 300 and the boots 260. This is equivalent to Steeleaf Armor in both durability and protection value, as both Steeleaf Armor and Ironwood Armor provide eight bars of protection.


GUI Furnace.png
Raw Ironwood Materials
Ironwood Ingot (Twilight Forest)

GUI Crafting Table.png
Block of Ironwood

Ironwood Ingot (Twilight Forest)

Thermal Foundation

GUI Crafting Table.png
Raw Ironwood Materials
Pyrotheum Dust (Thermal Foundation)

Ironwood Ingot (Twilight Forest)


Ironwood Ingot (Twilight Forest) can be used to create the following items: