Reappearing Block

Reappearing Block
Reappearing Block

Name Reappearing Block
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name Unknown
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Unknown

Reappearing Block is a type of "magic door block" that is found in Dark Towers in the Twilight Forest. Unlike its companion, the Vanishing Block, the Reappearing Block can be harvested, whereas the Vanishing Block cannot. The Reappearing Block is found in doors to the outside of the tower in Dark Towers, possibly to make it more difficult for the player to escape the Carminite Ghastguards after they have gone outside. This is due to the way that the Reappearing Block functions as opposed to other similar blocks such as the Carminite Builder and the Vanishing Block.

GUI Crafting Table.png
Encased Towerwood
Encased Towerwood
Encased Towerwood
Encased Towerwood
Reappearing Block

The Reappearing Block is a block that will turn into a small block that can be passed through when right-clicked as well as trigger other adjacent Reappearing Blocks to do the same. Reappearing Blocks are "smart" in that a right-click signal will flow through a potentially infinitely large swath of Reappearing Blocks, triggering them all to temporarily disappear; note that if the structure is sufficiently large, Reappearing Blocks that received the signal first will start reappearing before the blocks at the other end have begun to disappear.

When they do disappear, they turn into a block that is about the size of a lone Glass Fibre Cable and does not connect to other blocks. This block CAN be mined however it cannot be harvested and takes about 44 times longer. This block can be passed through by the player and only serves to denote that after a few seconds, a Reappearing Block will appear in its place.

They can be activated by redstone like the Carminite Builder and the Vanishing Block, and can also be locked by the Locked Vanishing Block.

Vanishing Blocks can trigger Reappearing Blocks in the same chain as them and vice versa.