This category lists items and blocks that can be used as a fuel source. Most commonly this means a source of solid fuel that can be used to fuel a Furnace.
Pages in category "Fuel"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 352 total.
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- Abandoned Crate
- Acacia Plank (GregTech 5)
- Acacia Wood Post
- Acacia Wood Post Fence
- Acacia Wood Slab (SlabCraft)
- Alchemic Chemistry Set
- Alchemical Chest (Equivalent Exchange 3)
- Alder Wood
- Alumentum (Thaumcraft 4)
- Alumentum (Thaumcraft 6)
- Amaranth Wood
- Amethyst Fence
- Amethyst Planks
- Amethyst Stairs
- Amethyst Wood
- Anthracite
- Apple Charcoal
- Arborist's Chest
- Arcane Bellows (Thaumcraft 4)
- Arcane Bore (Thaumcraft 4)
- Arcane Bore Base (Thaumcraft 4)
- Arcane Ear (Thaumcraft 4)
- Arcane Levitator (Thaumcraft 4)
- Arcane Pressure Plate (Thaumcraft 4)
- Arcane Workbench (Thaumcraft 6)
- Arcane Worktable (Thaumcraft 4)
- Aspect Library
- Assembly table I
- Auto Workbench
- Bamboo (Minecraft)
- Banner (Thaumcraft 4)
- Bark (Minecraft)
- Bark Slab
- Beet Charcoal
- Birch Plank
- Birch Plank (GregTech 5)
- Birch Wood Post
- Birch Wood Post Fence
- Birch Wood Slab (SlabCraft)
- Bituminous Peat
- Blaze Lamp
- Blaze Rod
- Block of Apple Charcoal
- Block of Beet Charcoal
- Block of Bread Charcoal
- Block of Carrot Charcoal
- Block of Charcoal (Actually Additions)
- Block of Charcoal (Garden Stuff)
- Block of Charcoal (More Charcoal)
- Block of Charcoal (Tinkers' Steelworks)
- Block of Chorus Charcoal
- Block of Coal
- Block of Coal Coke
- Block of Coal Coke (Immersive Engineering)
- Block of Egg Charcoal
- Block of Melon Charcoal
- Block of Potato Charcoal
- Block of Sugarcane Charcoal
- Bookshelf (Minecraft)
- Bread Charcoal
- Bridge Pillar
- Burnt Thorns
- Cactus
- Caesium Dust (GregTech 5)
- Candy Slab
- Canopy Tree Sapling
- Canopy Tree Wood
- Carbon (MineChem)
- Carminite Builder
- Carpet
- Carrot Charcoal
- Cartography Table
- Carved Wood
- Charcoal
- Charcoal Block (A Block of Charcoal)
- Charcoal Chunk
- Charcoal Dust (GregTech 5)
- Chest
- Chorus Fruit Charcoal
- Cinder Furnace
- Cinder Log
- Coal
- Coal Coke (Immersive Engineering)
- Coal Coke (Railcraft)
- Coal Coke (RotaryCraft)
- Coal Dust (Calculator)
- Coal Dust (GregTech 5)
- Coal Slab
- Compost (Actually Additions)
- Compost Bin
- Compressed Chest (Practicalities)
- Controlled Fuel
- Countertop
- Cracked Towerwood
- Crafting Station
- Crafting Table
- Crimson Cult Banner
- Crook
- Crushed Coal Ore (GregTech 5)
- Crushed Lignite Coal Ore
- Crushed Lithium Ore (GregTech 5)
- Curative Vat
- Cutting Table
- Dark Oak Plank (GregTech 5)
- Dark Oak Wood Post
- Dark Oak Wood Post Fence
- Dark Oak Wood Slab (SlabCraft)
- Darkwood (Twilight Forest)
- Darkwood Sapling (Twilight Forest)
- Daylight Sensor
- Dead Bush
- Deconstruction Table
- Demon's Chest
- Dense Warpwood
- Diamond Fence
- Diamond Planks
- Diamond Stairs (Calculator)
- Diamond Wood
- Dreamwood
- Dreamwood Planks
- Dried Kelp Block
- Drum of the Gathering
- Ghast Trap
- Ghostwood
- Giant Flower Stem
- Glimmering Dreamwood
- Glimmering Livingwood
- Golem's Workbench
- Grandfather Clock (Ye Gamol Chattels)
- Greatwood Log (Thaumcraft 4)
- Greatwood Log (Thaumcraft 6)
- Greatwood Planks (Thaumcraft 4)
- Greatwood Planks (Thaumcraft 6)
- Greatwood Slab
- Greatwood Stairs
- Greedy Chest
- Green Thorns
- Grindstone Base
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