Charm of Life

Charm of Life
Grid Charm of Life I.png Grid Charm of Life II.png

Both tiers of the Charm of Life.
Name Charm of Life
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name Unknown
Type Item
Stackable 64

(true for both)

The Charm of Life is one of the two charms added by the Twilight Forest mod. Both of these charms allow the player to recover from death. The Charm of Life does so by healing and buffing the player when the player takes damage that would kill the player. The Charm of Life comes in two varieties: the Charm of Life I and the Charm of Life II. The Charm of Life I is found more often than the Charm of Life II and is found as loot in Hollow Hills, Labyrinths, and so forth.

By combining four Charm of Life I's, it is possible to create a single Charm of Life II. This action is shapeless and non-reversible, as this would allow for an additional three extra healings (albeit weaker healings) to be extracted from a single Charm of Life II.

The Charm of Life I heals the player from zero hearts to 4.5 hearts and applies Regeneration I for a time period of 5 seconds. The Charm of Life II heals the player from zero hearts to 10 hearts and applies Regeneration IV, Fire Resistance I and Resistance I for a time period of 30 seconds, allowing the player to take less damage, heal very quickly from any damage taken and be immune to both fire and lava for a short period of time.

The Charm of Life will function whether in the player's inventory or on the player's hotbar, but cannot be used without taking fatal damage.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Charm of Life I
Charm of Life I

Charm of Life I
Charm of Life I

Charm of Life II