Arctic Leggings

Arctic Leggings
Arctic Leggings

Name Arctic Leggings
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
Type Armor
Stackable No
Durability 150
Armor 5 (Armor.pngArmor.pngHalf Armor.png)
Armor Toughness 2 (Toughness.png)

The Arctic Leggings are one of four pieces of the arctic armor set. They are made from Artic Fur which is dropped from Yetis and Winter Wolves. They have as many armor points as the Ironwood Armor, but have additional armor toughness points, making them slightly better, but with only half of the durability. Except for their durability, they are therefore nearly as good as Diamond Armor.

Once the Alpha Yeti has been defeated, it is fairly easy to craft them, since a lot of Yetis spawn in the Snowy Forest and each being able to drop 0-2 Arctic Fur with an average of around 1.2 fur per Yeti. Yetis will also only attack back if they get attack or when the player walks straight into them.

The Arctic Leggings can be dyed with multiple dyes in a Crafting Table and can be cleaned again in a Cauldron when it is filled with water.

Wearing the full set grants no set bonus.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Arctic Fur
Arctic Fur
Arctic Fur
Arctic Fur
Arctic Fur
Arctic Fur
Arctic Fur
Arctic Leggings


Arctic Leggings has no known uses in crafting.

See also

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