Encased Fire Jet

Encased Fire Jet
Encased Fire Jet

Name Encased Fire Jet
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 7.5
Hardness 1.5
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool will work, but an axe is the most efficient.

The Encased Fire Jet is a controllable version of the Fire Jet found in fire swamp biomes in the Twilight Forest. The encased fire jet can be activated by a redstone signal and after approximately 4 seconds, will emit a jet of fire 9 blocks into the air. It will also damage and light any mobs and players on fire within a 3*3 square with the fire jet in the center.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Encased Towerwood
Redstone Dust
Encased Towerwood
Redstone Dust
Fire Jet
Redstone Dust
Lava Bucket
Lava Bucket
Lava Bucket
Encased Fire Jet


Encased Fire Jet has no known uses in crafting.

See also

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