Miner's Tree Sapling

Miner's Tree Sapling
Item Miner's Tree Sapling.png

Name Miner's Tree Sapling
Source Mod Twilight Forest
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 0.0
Hardness 0.0
Burn Time 100 ticks (0.5 Items)
Solid No
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool

The Miner's Tree Sapling is a type of sapling. Miner's Tree Saplings can be found in Twilight Oak loot chests; when Miner's Leaves are broken, they do not yield Miner's Tree Saplings, but have a high chance of dropping Birch Saplings instead.

When a Miner's Tree Sapling is grown, it spawns a Miner's Tree in a "pickaxe" formation with the Minewood and the Minewood Core serving as the pickaxe's "hilt" and the Miner's Leaves serving as the "head" of the pickaxe. With each growth, 19 logs and a Minewood Core are generated, that can be turned into Minewood Planks.


Miner's Tree Sapling can be used to create the following items: