< User:Dgelessus
This is the place where I test out various SMW things.
Recipe tracking
Input | Output | |
User:dgelessus/SMW | Wooden Planks | Stick |
User:dgelessus/SMW | Wooden Planks | Crafting Table |
User:dgelessus/SMW | Wooden Planks | Wooden Pickaxe |
Wooden Planks can be used to make the following items:
List of Modpacks
Mods depending on Forge
3D Furnace, A Block of Charcoal, A Block of Flint, Actually Additions, Advanced Genetics, AetherCraft, Air Overhaul, Alchemistry, Alternate Terrain Generation, Another One Bites the Dust, AppleSkin, Applied Energistics, Applied Energistics 2, Aquaculture, Archimedes' Ships, Aroma1997's Dimensional World, Ars Magica 2, Ars Nouveau, Artifice, AutoUtils, B.A.S.E, BDLib, BackTools, Backpacks, Baconators, Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded, Battle Music, Baubles, Bed Patch, Better Builder's Wands, Better Furnaces, BetterBedrockGen, BetterChests, BiblioCraft, Bigger Packets Please, Biomes O' Plenty, Botania, BuildCraft, Carpenter's Blocks, Chance Cubes, Charlotte's Utilities, Chest Transporter, ChocoCraft, CoFH Core, Compact Machines, Cooking for Blockheads, CraftHeraldry, Crying Obsidian (mod), Cyclops Core, DartPatch... further results
Blocks and Items in BuildCraft
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Who needs navboxes anyway?
Mods in Feed The Beast modpacks
/dank/null, A Biome Hazard Config Mod, AE 2 Wireless Terminal Library, AE Lights, AE2 Stuff, AE2 Tech Add-on, AE2 Wireless Terminal Library, AE2 Wireless Terminals (AE2WTLib), AMT Generators, ASP + GS Patcher, Absent By Design, Accidentally Circumstantial Events, Actually Additions, Actually Baubles, Additional BuildCraft Objects, Additional Pipes, Advanced Generators, Advanced Genetics, Advanced Machines, Advanced Power Management, Advanced Repulsion Systems, Advanced Rocketry, Advanced Solar Pan0ßpüppooüoels, Advanced Solar Panels, Advent of Ascension, Adventure Backpack, AgriCraft, Agriculture, Akashic Tome, Alternate Terrain Generation, Ampz Pack, Ancient Trees, Angel of Vengeance, AngelRing 2 Bauble, Animal Crate, Animated Player, AnimationAPI, Animus, Another One Bites The Dust, Another One Bites the Dust, Another One Bites the Dust: Oreberry Bushes, Antique Atlas, Apotheosis, AppleCore, AppleMilkTea2, AppleSkin, Applied Energistics, Applied Energistics 2, Aquaculture, Arcane Scrolls, Archer's Paradox, Archimedes' Ships, ArchitectureCraft, Architectury, Archmagus, ArmorStatusHUD, ArmoreableMobs, Aroma1997's Dimensional World, Aroma1997Core, Aroma1997s Dimensional World, AromaBackup, Ars Magica 2, Ars Nouveau, ArtemisLib, Artifice, Artisan Worktables, AsieLib, AsieTweaks, Asielib, Assembly Line, Astral Sorcery, Athenaeum, Atomic Science, AtomicStryker's BattleTowers, Attained Drops, Attribute Fix, Aura Casade, Aura Cascade, AutoPackager, AutoRegLib, AutoUtils, Automagy 1, Avaritia, B.A.S.E, BC Transport, BDLib, BILLUND, BNB Gaming Core, BNBGamingLib, BackTools, Backpacks, Backpacks!, Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded, Bad Wither No Cookie!, Bad Wither No Cookie! Reloaded, Bagginses, Balanced Clay Tools, Balkon's Weapon Mod, Barrels Mod, Battle Music, Baubles, Baubley Heart Canisters, BdLib, Beast Coin Miner, Bed Bugs, Bed Patch, Better Advancements, Better Boat, Better Builder's Wands, Better Foliage, Better Loading Screen, Better Questing, Better Questing - Standard Expansion, Better Than Bunnies, Better Title Screen, BetterBedrockGen, BetterChests, BetterFPS, BetterFps, BetterQuestingTriggerer, BetterStorage, BibiloWoods Forestry, BiblioCraft, BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods ExtraBiomesXL Edition, BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty, BiblioWoods ExtrabiomesXL, BiblioWoods Forestry, BiblioWoods Natura, BiblioWoodsTFC, Big Reactors, Bigger Packets Please, Binnie Core, Binnie Patcher, Binnie's Genetics, Binnie's Mods, BinnieCore, BinniePatcher, Biome Paint Tools, Biome Tweaker, BiomeTweaker, Biomes O Plenty, Biomes O' Plenty, Bladecraft, Block Whitelist, Blockcraftery, Blocklayering Mod, Blood Arsenal, Blood Magic, Blood Magic 2, Blood Magic: Alchemical Wizardry, BloodUtils, Blue Power, BluePower, BnBGamingCore, Boilerplate, Bone Appetit, Bonsai Trees, Bookshelf, Bookshelf (Mod), Borderlands Weapon Mod, Botania, Botania Tweaks, Botanic Bonsai, Botany Pots, Botany Trees, BrainCore, Brandon's Core, Brewing API, Buffbar, Build Mod, BuildCraft, BuildCraft Compat, Buildcraft Additions, Buildcraft Compat, Building Gadgets, CC: Tweaked, CCLib, CEU, CG Origin, CTM, CXLibrary, Calclavia Core, Calculator, CameraCraft, Career Bees, Carpenter's Blocks, Cave Control, Cellars for TFC, Ceramics, Chainz, Chameleon, Chance Cubes, CharacterOnGUI, ChargePads, Charging Gadgets, Charset, Charset Lib, Charset Storage - Barrels, Charset Tweaks, Charset-Crafting, Charset-Tools Engineering, Chat Bubbles, Chest Transporter, ChickenChunks, Chickens, Chisel, Chisel Facades, Chisel Tones, ChiselTones, Chisels & Bits, Chisels and Bits, ChocoCraft, Chocolate Fix, ChunkNoGoByeBye, Citadel, CleanView, Client Tweaks, Climate Control, ClimateControl, Clipboard, Clockwork Phase, Cloth Config API, ClothingCraft, Clumps, CoFH Core, CoFH Lib, CoFH World, CoFHLib, CodeChicken Core, CodeChicken Core 1.8.+, CodeChicken Lib, CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+, CodeChickenCore, CodeChickenLib, CofHLib, Cofh Core, Cogs of the Machine, Colossal Chests, ComPatchedStorage, Comforts, Common Capabilities, CommonCapabilities, Compact Machines, Compact Machines 3, Compact Solar Arrays, Compact Storage, Compact Windmills, CompactSolars, CompactStorage, Compacter, CompatLayer, Compatlayer, ComputerCraft, ComputerCraft Turtles, Computronics, Config Mod, Construct's Armory, ContentTweaker, Controlling, Cookie Core, CookieCore, Cooking for Blockheads, Coop, CoroAI, CoroUtil, CoroUtil-1.1.1, Cosmetic Armor, Craft Tweaker, CraftHeraldry, CraftPresence, CraftTweaker, CraftTweaker2, Crafting Manager, Crafting Tweaks, Create, CreativeCore, Creeper Collateral, Creeper Host, CreeperCollateral, CreeperHost, CreepersFire, Crying Obsidian (mod), Cucumber, Cucumber Library, Culinary Construct, Custom Chest Loot, Custom LAN, Custom Main Menu, Custom NPCs, Custom Stuff 2, Custom Stuff 2 - Ores, CustomItems, CustomMainMenu, CustomOreGen, CustomThings, Cyclic, Cyclops Core, CyclopsCore, D3 Core, D3Core, DaVincing, Damage Indicators, DamageIndicators, Dank/null, Dark Menagerie, Dark Utilities, DartCraft, DeLogger, Deadly Monsters, Deadly World, DecoCraft, DecoCraft2, Decocraft, Decorations, Deep Mob Learning, Deep Mob Learning - Blood Magic Addon, Deep Resonance, DeepResonance, Default Options, Default World Gen, DenLib, DenPipes, DenPipes - Emerald, DenPipes - Forestry, Dense Ores, Diet Hopper, Diet Hoppers, Dimension Stages, Dimensional Anchors, Dimensional Control, Dimensional Doors, Ding, Direction HUD, DirectionHUD, Dirt2Path, Discord, Divine RPG, Doom Angel Ring, Doomlike Dungeons, Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies, Draconic Evolution, Dragon Mounts, Dragon Tweaks, DragonAPI, Drawers & Bits, Dropt, DukeCore, Dukecore, DummyCore, Dungeon Crawl, Dye Trees, Dynamic Lights, Dynamic Liquid Tanks 2, Dynamic Surroundings, Dynamic Transport, EFab, EJML Core, EMC Builder's Wand, ET Lunar, EVOC, Easy Crafting Table, EiraIRC, ElecCore, ElectriCraft, Electrical Age, Electro-Magic Tools, Elevator Mod, EluLib, Elulib, Emasher Defense, Emasher Resource, EmberRoot Zoo, Embers, Emojiful, Emotes, Enable Cheats, Enchanting Plus, Enchantment Descriptions, Enchiridion, Enchiridion 2, Ender Forest, Ender IO, Ender IO Addons, Ender IO Machines, Ender IO endergy, Ender Prospecting, Ender Storage 1.8.+, Ender Tanks, Ender Utilities, Ender Zoo, EnderCompass, EnderCore, EnderIO, EnderNet, EnderStorage, EnderTanks, EnderTech, Energy Converters, Engineer's Doors, Engineer's Toolbox, Engineers Workshop, Enhanced Inventories, EnhancedCore, EnhancedPortals 2, EnhancedPortals 2-ComputerCraft, EnhancedPortals 3, Ensorcellation, Entangled, Entity Detectors, EnviroMine, Environmental Core, Environmental Tech, Equivalent Exchange 2, Equivalent Exchange 3, EssentialCraft III, Et Futurum, Eureka, EverlastingAbilities, EvilCraft, Ewy's Workshop, Ex Aliquo, Ex Astris, Ex Compressum, Ex Nihilo, Ex Nihilo Creatio, Example Mod, Exchangers, Expanded Redstone, Extended Caves, Extended Mod Config, Extended Potions, Extended Renderer, Extra Bees and Trees, Extra Bit Manipulation, Extra Buttons, Extra Carts, Extra Cells, Extra Cells 2, Extra Storage, Extra Trees, Extra Utilities, Extra Utilities 2, ExtraButtons, ExtraCells2, ExtraTiC, ExtrabiomesXL, Extreme Reactors, Extreme Reactors 2, Extreme Sound Muffler, FTB Achievements, FTB Auxilium, FTB Backups, FTB Chunks, FTB Eggs, FTB Essentials, FTB GUI Library, FTB Guides, FTB Islands, FTB Janitor, FTB Library, FTB Money, FTB Odyssey World, FTB Quests, FTB Ranks, FTB Teams, FTB Utilities, FTB Utilities: Backups, FTBLib, FTBTrophies, FTBTweaks, FTBUtilities, FZAddons, Factorization, Fairy Lights, Falling Meteors, Falling Meteors Mod, Fancy Fences, Fancy Fluid Storage, Fancy Glass, Fancy Lamps, Farming for Blockheads, Farseek, FastCraft, FastFurnace, FastLeafDecay, FastWorkbench, Faster Ladder Climbing, Fence Jumper, FerriteCore, Find Me, Finndus Fillies, Flan's Mod, Flat Bedrock, Flat Colored Blocks, Flat Signs, FlatSigns, Flesh To Leather, Flight Tweaks, FloatingRuins, Flood Light... further results
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