Thermal Expansion

Thermal Expansion
Thermal Expansion
Name Thermal Expansion
Creator Team CoFH
Latest Version 0.1.0 beta
Minecraft Version 1.15.2
Website Official Site
Add-on Mods AutoPackager
Redstone Arsenal
Simply Jetpacks
Thaumic Expansion
Root Mod Thermal Foundation, CodeChickenLib
Modpacks Agrarian Skies
Bevo's Tech Pack
Blood N' Bones
Cloud 9 1.7 Pack
Crash Landing
Crundee Craft
DNS Techpack
Direwolf20 1.10
Direwolf20 1.12 Pack
Direwolf20 1.16 Pack
Direwolf20 1.5 Pack
Direwolf20 1.6 Pack
Direwolf20 1.7 Pack
Direwolf20 Pack
Feed The Beast 1.5.2 Beta Pack

Thermal Expansion is the central mod of the CoFH team Thermal series, with diverse machines, tools and lots of other toys! Predominant mod features are the processing of resources and the generation and storage of energy in the form of Redstone Flux. The basic machines can be upgraded to 4 higher tiers, each adding features and functionality and can be further improved with Augments for added configuration and efficiency. Furthermore, this version unveils some brand new items and ambient sounds for its machines.

Companion Mods

Thermal Foundation [1]

This mod contains the basic resources, the different metal types along with their ore, liquid, bucket, block, ingot, nugget, dust and gear forms. This includes various metals that Thermal Expansion machines rely on, such as Invar and Electrum.

Thermal Dynamics [2]

This mod focuses on the transport and transmission of energy, fluids and items

Refurbished Items


As of 1.12.2(Needs Verification), the augment system has been reworked. Two types of augments now exist:

  • Generic Augmentations: Add benefits and downsides, can be installed several times.
  • Specialization: Only one of these can be installed per machine, usually locks the machine to a specific purpose.

Access Control

Diverse items such as the Energy Cell and most machines can be right-clicked with a Signalum Security Lock to add a security tab that can control access to an item as public, private or restricted.


With Thermal Expansion 4 every machine can be upgraded to an higher tier, each increasing the speed, RF capacity, and augmentation slots. Machine tiers can be achieved in one of two ways:

  • Using a conversion kit to upgrade the machine to the tier matching the kit.
  • Using an upgrade kit to upgrade by one tier.


  1. Jump up The rationale for this mod is to allow modpack creators to add more variety to oregen without adding extra machinery or tools.
  2. Jump up Due to the development time needed to remove Forge Multipart support, ducts were split off to allow for an earlier release of Thermal Expansion 4. An additional benefit allows modpack creators to use other conduits (such as that of Extra Utilities' Transfer Nodes and Ender IO) instead of Thermal Dynamics or on the flip side some modpacks can benefit from TD's transport system without adding all the content of TE4.
