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Name OpenBlocks
Creator Unknown
Latest Version 1.2.9; 1.3 Snapshot Avaliable
Minecraft Version Unknown
Website http://openmods.info/
Forum Minecraft Forum post
Root Mod OpenModsLib
Modpacks Agrarian Skies
Bevo's Tech Pack
Blast Off!
Cloud 9 1.7 Pack
Crash Landing
Crundee Craft
DNS Techpack
Direwolf20 1.6 Pack
Direwolf20 1.7 Pack
Feed The Beast Builders Paradise
Feed The Beast Continuum
Feed The Beast Departed
Feed The Beast Horizons: Daybreaker
Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved
Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Skyblock

The OpenBlocks mod is a compilation of blocks and items that greatly enhance some lacking aspects of both vanilla and modded Minecraft. The mod is developed as an open-source project on GitHub.[1] There's not a specific theme to this mod, it is more of a collection of random useful tools for a player to work with in the game. Players might consider installing the optional mod NotEnoughCodecs, if they want to use the Radio to stream music from internet radio stations in the game. However, the radio is removed in the newest snapshot, so 1.7.10 users may not experience the feature.


  1. Jump up OpenBlocks on GitHub