HungerOverhaul | |
Name | HungerOverhaul |
Creator | iguana_man 1.12.2 update: Parker8283, progwml6, squeek502, alexbegt |
Latest Version | 1.3.3.jenkins148 |
Minecraft Version | 1.12.2 |
Website | Minecraft Forums |
Root Mod | Minecraft Forge |
Modpacks | Agrarian Skies Blood N' Bones Crash Landing Feed The Beast Interactions Hubris Journey to the Core Magic Farm Magic Farm 2 Pathfinder Resonant Rise The MadPack Vanilla Overhaul |
HungerOverhaul is a mod which tweaks hunger mechanics, making it a challenge rather than a minor problem. Features include:
- Rebalanced food replenishment values
- Food from other mods nerfed (1/4 of food value & saturation)
- Tooltips on food
- New GUI text shown when low on health/hunger
- Maximum stack size depends on hunger value of food
- Eating speed depends on food value
- Eating food gives a 'Well Fed' effect that boosts health regen
- Crops take much longer to grow if planted in the wrong biome
- Seeds now have tooltips that indicate the correct biomes to plant in
- Crops can be right clicked when fully grown to harvest and replant
- Crops only grow during daytime (not in torchlight)
- Crops take much longer to grow
- Crops only give back the planted seeds (extra seeds can be obtained by punching grass)
- Hunger value set on respawn (including initial spawn) dependant on difficulty
- Low hunger gives negative effects
- Hunger loss and healing rate affected by difficulty
- Players die instantly when hunger reaches zero
Different features can be turned on/off in the config file.
HungerOverhaul has built-in integration with the following mods:
The related features will activate automatically if these mods are included in the modpack.