MineTweaker 3

MineTweaker 3
Name MineTweaker 3
Creator Stan Hebben
Latest Version 3.0.10
Minecraft Version 1.7.10
Website (Website/Wiki)
Forum Minecraft Forum post
Root Mod Unspecified
Modpacks Age of Engineering
Crash Landing
Direwolf20 1.10
Direwolf20 1.7 Pack
Feed The Beast Departed
Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved
Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Skyblock
Feed The Beast Resurrection
Journey to the Core
Material Energy^4
Resonant Rise
Running Red 2: Vampire Money
Sky Factory 2

MineTweaker 3 is a mod which allows users and server owners to create scripts that modify, remove, and add recipes. It also has limited mod machinery support for BetterStorage, Blood Magic, BuildCraft, GregTech 4, IndustrialCraft2, Immersive Engineering, MineFactory Reloaded, Not Enough Items, Tinkers' Steelworks, and Witching Gadgets. MineTweaker 3 has an addon called ModTweaker that provides additional support to mods with custom crafting handlers.

This is a very useful tool for server owners as it allows you to effectively ban items by completely removing the users ability to craft them, by removing the recipe. Remove easy recipes and replace them with harder ones and even add recipes for items and add recipes for items that don't normally have recipes.