Special Mobs

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Special Mobs
Special Mobs
Name Special Mobs
Creator FatherToast
Latest Version 3.2.1
Minecraft Version 1.7.10
Website Project
Forum MC Forum thread
Root Mod Minecraft Forge
Modpacks Blood N' Bones
Crash Landing
Feed The Beast Monster
Feed The Beast Trident
Journey to the Core
Magic Farm
Magic Farm 2
Material Energy^3
Running Red 2: Vampire Money
The Crack Pack 2
The MadPack
Ultra Hard Survival (ATLauncher)

The Special Mobs mod focuses on adding different types of the vanilla mobs for the purpose of bringing the Player more entertainment variety and a greater challenge. Mobs spawning have a slight chance of being a special mob instead of being a vanilla mob. This page focuses on describing the variations that a Player is likely to encounter during game play. Only special drops are mentioned.

Zombie Pigman

Name Colour Special Feature Drop
Vampire Vampire attire Very high defense. Weak to wooden tools. Gold Ingot Gold Ingot
Fishing Fishing rod Uses a fishing rod to catch and reel the Player in. Raw Fish Raw Fish
Giant Big zombie pigman Bigger, more health and damage.
Hungry missing stomach Eats food from your inventory on hit. Apple Apple
Plague spotted Gives random negative status effects. Mushroom (Brown) Mushroom (Brown)  • Mushroom (Red) Mushroom (Red)
Brutish Sharp teeth Higher health, damage ignores part of armor. Flint Flint


Name Colour Special Feature Drop
Blinding Fully dark black, cross shaped eye patch Blinds player when near. Ink Sac Ink Sac
Cursed Red complexion, Darth Maul face coloring Stacks weakness and mining fatigue on hit. Gunpowder Gunpowder  • Sugar Sugar  • Spider Eye Spider Eye  • Fermented Spider Eye Fermented Spider Eye  • Glistering Melon Glistering Melon
Icy Lighter aquamarine Immune to fire. Applies Slowness IV on hit. Snowball Snowball
Lightning Aquamarine Immune to fire. Summons lightning on hit. Redstone Redstone
Mirage Pale peach color Summons illusions when teleporting. Silverfish Monster Egg
Mini Tiny enderman smaller
Thief Bandit mask and stripes Moves much faster and teleports target on hit.


Name Colour Special Feature Drop
Baby Smaller, less health and damage.
Desert Applies nausea, blindness, slowness and negative resistance on hit. Leather Leather
Flying Immune to fall damage. Leaps very far. Feather Feather
Giant Bigger, more health and damage.
Mother Pink eyes Bigger, Regenerates health. Spawns baby spiders on death.
Pale Applies Weakness III on hit. Fermented Spider Eye Fermented Spider Eye
Poison Dark blue Poisons on hit.
Ghost Transparent, outlined It can pass through blocks. Slimeball Slimeball
Small Smaller than a spider.
Tough lime and green eyes Very resistant. Flint Flint  • Iron Ingot Iron Ingot
Witch Immune to potions and arrows. Applies negative resistance on hit. Blaze Powder Blaze Powder  • Glowstone Dust Glowstone Dust  • Ghast Tear Ghast Tear  • Magma Cream Magma Cream
Hungry Will steal and eat random items in the player's inventory. It can despawn after doing so. Apple Apple  • Potion of Hunger Potion of Hunger Stolen Items


Name Colour Special Feature Drop
Armor Yellow Wears a Leather Chestplate and Boots, more health. Leather Leather
Death Dark grey (red eyes) Deadly explosion.
Dirt Brown Spews dirt on blowing up. Dirt Dirt  • Bread Bread
Doom Dark grey Explodes upon death, causes significant damage. Bone Meal Bone Meal
Ender Black (purple eyes) Teleports around, burns in sunlight. Ender Pearl Ender Pearl
Fire Red Fiery explosion, sets the environment on fire. Coal Coal  • Fire Charge Fire Charge
Jumping Purple High Jump. Glowstone Glowstone
Lightning Light blue Explodes into lightning. Redstone Redstone
Splitting Light green [1] A ranged attack will turn it into a mini creeper.
Mini Tiny but fast, small explosion.
Drowning Dark blue (red eyes) Creates a sphere of silverfish laden blocks with water in the middle. Bucket Bucket
Dark Wears a Jack o'Lantern on its head, the explosion breaks nearby light sources. Torches Torches  • Potion of Night Vision Potion of Night Vision
Gravel Gravel texture Bursts into a pile of gravel Gravel Gravel  • Flint Flint
Gravity Dark Purple Higher health, Pulls in nearby entities as it explodes. Gold Nugget Gold Nugget  • Apple Apple

Skeleton (Also applies to Wither Skeleton)

Name Colour Special Feature Drop
Fire Flaming Immunte to fire. Shoots burning arrows. Coal Coal  • Stone Sword (Fire Aspect I) Stone Sword (Fire Aspect I)  • Bow (Flame I) Bow (Flame I)
Gatling Goggles Fires Arrows at a high rate. Gunpowder Gunpowder
Brutish Sharp teeth Fire Arrows that pierce through armor. Can also spawn with a sword that pierces armor Flint Flint  • Bow (Agony I) Bow (Agony I)  • Stone Sword (Pain I) Stone Sword (Pain I)
Giant Big Bigger, more health and higher damage.
Poison Green Fires poison arrows. Can also spawn with a sword. Spider Eye Spider Eye  • Bow (Venom I) Bow (Venom I)  • Stone Sword (Poison Aspect I) Stone Sword (Poison Aspect I)
Ninja Ninja headband Camouflages with terrain, selects a random block to hide as. Attacks target that gets too close or exposes it directly. Attacks melee, sometimes may have a katana Ink Sac Ink Sac  • Paper Paper  • Katana(Sharpness III) Katana(Sharpness III)  • Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (Pain II & Unbreaking V) Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (Pain II & Unbreaking V)
Thief Bandit eye mask Attacks the Player with melee and disarms them. Gold Nugget Gold Nugget
Spitfire Big Flaming Fires a Volley of fireballs. Fire Charge Fire Charge  • Bow (Flame I) Bow (Flame I)  • Stone Sword (Fire Aspect I) Stone Sword (Fire Aspect I)


Name Colour Special Feature Drop
Fire Flaming Immune to fire. Burns on hit. Coal Coal
Fishing Fishing rod Uses a fishing rod to catch and reel the Player in. Raw Fish Raw Fish
Giant Big zombie Bigger, more health and damage.
Hungry missing stomach Eats food from your inventory on hit. Apple Apple
Plague spotted Gives random negative status effects. Mushroom (Brown) Mushroom (Brown)  • Mushroom (Red) Mushroom (Red)
Brutish Sharp teeth Higher health, damage ignores part of armor. Flint Flint


Name Colour Special Feature Drop
Baby Tiny ghast Uses melee attack instead of shooting fireballs.
Fighter Grey with red stripes Uses melee attack instead of shooting fireballs. Iron Ingot Iron Ingot
King Dark grey with golden stripes Regenerates health. Bigger fireballs. Gold Ingot Gold Ingot  • Emerald Emerald
Queen Dark grey with purple stripes Regenerates health. Spawns baby Ghasts. Gold Ingot Gold Ingot  • Emerald Emerald
Mini Tiny ghast Picks up hostile mobs.
Unholy White with black mouth Immune to weapons without Smite enchantment. Gold Ingot Gold Ingot
Faint Green, transparent with an outline Phases through blocks and attacks melee Slimeball Slimeball


Name Colour Special Feature Drop
Fishing Red striped Uses a fishing rod to catch and reel the Player in. Raw Fish Raw Fish
Blindness Tan, grey head Applies Blindness on hit. Ink Sac Ink Sac
Flying Blue Immune to fall damage. Leaps at target. Feathers Feathers
Tough Big, black with red eyes Very high defense. Flint Flint
Poison Green Immune to poison. Poisons on hit. Spider Eye Spider Eye


Name Colour Special Feature Drop
Strawberry Strawberry Red Immune to fire. Lights the player on fire. Fire Charge Fire Charge  • Red Dye (Minecraft) Red Dye (Minecraft)  • Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of Fire Resistance
Blueberry Blueberry Blue Doesn't drown. Can hop at normal height underwater. Light Blue Dye Light Blue Dye  • Potion of Water Breathing Potion of Water Breathing
Watermelon Watermelon Green Slings itself at the target. Deals knockback. Melon (Item) Melon (Item)  • Lime Dye Lime Dye  • Potion of Resistance Potion of Resistance
Blackberry Blackberry Black Higher health, Explodes like a Creeper when too close. Gunpowder Gunpowder  • Ink Sac Ink Sac
Grape Grape Purple Immune to fall damage. Leaps at target. Purple Dye Purple Dye  • Potion of Jump Boost Potion of Jump Boost
Lemon Lemon Yellow Immune to fire. Summons lightning on hit and teleports away to repeat. Redstone Redstone  • Yellow Dye (Minecraft) Yellow Dye (Minecraft)  • Potion of Haste Potion of Haste
Caramel Caramel Orange Higher health, Target gets stuck to it and it deals constant damage. Sugar Sugar  • Orange Dye Orange Dye  • Sticky Sword (Sharpness III) Sticky Sword (Sharpness III)


Name Colour Special Feature Drop
Inferno Orange Higher health, Shoots a Barrage of fireballs. Blaze Powder Blaze Powder  • Fire Charge Fire Charge
Hellfire Gray with red eyes Higher health, Shoots one ghast fireball. Gunpowder Gunpowder
Smolder Black with 6 eyes Blinds the target. Coal Coal
Ember Black with yellow eyes Rushes target with melee. Coal Coal
Cinder Tiny Blaze Rushes target with melee. Ignites target on hit
Conflagration Black rods, normal color head, Red eyes Very High defense. Weak to snowballs Fire Charge Fire Charge  • Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of Fire Resistance
Jolt Blue with orange eyes Strikes lightning and teleports when hit. Dodges projectiles Redstone Redstone
Wildfire Big Blaze with 4 red eyes Higher health, Starts off alternating between shooting one fireball and spawning cinders. When at low health, rushes target with melee while also spawning cinders. When killed also spawns a couple cinders Coal Coal  • Blaze Spawn Egg Blaze Spawn Egg


Name Colour Special Feature Drop
'Witch of the Wind Darker purple robe Drinks a speed potion then rushes target with melee. Can drink invisibility potion and teleports while fighting. Feather Feather  • Potion of Hiding (Invisbility+Blindness) Potion of Hiding (Invisbility+Blindness)
Witch of the Wilds Green robe Starts off riding a spider, may heal the spider when it's hurt. Throws only poison potions. Spawns a group of baby spiders sometimes Fermented Spider Eye Fermented Spider Eye  • Skeleton Spawn Egg Skeleton Spawn Egg
Witch of Shadows Black robe and white eyes Throws blindness potions. Ink Sac Ink Sac  • Splash Potion of Blindness Splash Potion of Blindness
Witch of the Undead Black torn robe, zombie villager face Attacks normal mostly. Counts as Undead. Spawns skeleton minions occasionally. Heals itself with instant damage splash potions Skeleton Spawn Egg Skeleton Spawn Egg  • Skeleton Skull Skeleton Skull
Witch of Rage Brown robe Drinks a strength and resistance potion then melees target. Will refresh potion effects when they wear off. Blaze Powder Blaze Powder  • Potion of Rage (Strength+Resistance) Potion of Rage (Strength+Resistance)
Witch of Domination Fancy robe with yellow outline Melees target. Inflicts wither on hit Bottle o' Enchanting Bottle o' Enchanting  • Helmet of Mind Protection Helmet of Mind Protection


  1. Has a red eyed face on each side of its head.


AtlanticCraft Special Mobs Overview

PopularMMOs Special Mobs Showcase Series