Crying Obsidian (mod)

Crying Obsidian (mod)
Name Crying Obsidian (mod)
Creator Error_Craft_LP
Type Misc Tools
Latest Version 1.1.3
Minecraft Version 1.12.2
Website CurseForge
Root Mod Minecraft Forge
Modpacks Feed The Beast Interactions

The Crying Obsidian mod primarily adds the Crying Obsidian Block to the game, similarly to how it was intended in the Beta versions of vanilla Minecraft before it was removed from the game. This block allows the player to reset their spawn point to where they are standing when they right click the block.

Additionally, this mod also adds Advanced Crying Obsidian Block, which can reset the player's spawn point, but can also be used to respawn an entity on death.

Attuning a mob to the Advanced Crying Obsidian Block requires the use of the Crying Obsidian Item. This tool can both set a player's spawnpoint, and set an entity's spawnpoint to a nearby Advanced Crying Obsidian Block.

The Crying Obsidian block can also be converted into four Crying Obsidian Block (Only for Decoration) blocks which are purely decorative.