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The main article can be found at Galacticraft Wiki: Galacticraft.

Name Galacticraft
Creator micdoodle8
Latest Version 1.12.2-
Minecraft Version 1.12.2
Website Official Website
Add-on Mods Amun-Ra
Extra Planets
Galaxy Space
Heavy-Duty Plate Blocks
More Planets
Zollern Galaxy
Root Mod MicdoodleCore
Modpacks Ampz Pack
Bevo's Tech Pack
Blast Off!
Crundee Craft
Feed The Beast Horizons: Daybreaker
Hexi's Dark Depths
Resonant Rise
The MadPack
Yogscast Complete Pack

Galacticraft is a mod for Minecraft which introduces 5 new dimensions that are based on planets and satellites in the Solar System. These include the Moon, Mars, Venus, Asteroids and a Space Station built by the space Explorer (aka the Player). To travel to space, a rocket is constructed using the NASA Workbench. There are three tiers of rockets. The first tier allows travel to the Moon, Overworld, and Space Station. The second tier will transport the Explorer to Mars and the third tier grants access to the Asteroids and (in Galacticraft 4) Venus. Building and flying rockets requires Fuel refined from Oil.

The space dimensions have different gravity, no oxygen, extreme temperatures, evolved mobs and other challenges for players. There are valuable rewards for the players who beat those challenges.

As of February 2018, Galacticraft has the following versions: Galacticraft 4 for Minecraft 1.12.2, Minecraft 1.11.2, Minecraft 1.10.2 and Minecraft 1.8.9. Galacticraft 3 for Minecraft 1.7.10. Galacticraft 2 for Minecraft 1.6.4.

Add-on mods for Galacticraft add many more planets.
