Diamond Transport Pipe

Diamond Transport Pipe
Diamond Transport Pipe

Name Diamond Transport Pipe
Source Mod BuildCraft
ID Name
Type Transport Pipe
Stackable Yes (64)
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool
Diamond Pipe GUI

Diamond Transport Pipes are able to sort items that pass through it. Diamond Transport Pipes may have up to 6 colored outputs that will hold up to 9 different items. They are very useful, but also the most expensive type of Transport Pipe other than possibly the Emerald Transport Pipe. Most often, Diamond Pipes are used for Quarries, but they are valuable in any sorting system.

The Diamond Pipe GUI may be accessed by right-clicking the pipe. An item may then be put into one of the slots with the desired color. Each color indicates a different output side. When an item then reaches the Diamond Pipe, it will only go through the output it's been assigned to. If you place an item into the GUI it will not be removed from the inventory like with chests or machines. However, you will still need one exemplar to be able to assign it to a color in first place. Simply clicking the item once will remove it from the GUI again.

One color is reserved for input. If items are assigned to that color anyway, it will simply be ignored and items will go through as if unassigned.

If an unassigned item goes through a Diamond Pipe, it will go through a color that has no filter. If each color has at least one filter, the item will pop out. If one item is assigned to two different colors, it will have a 50/50 chance of going through either output. Multiples of an item can be assigned one color, which will affect probabilities. For example, putting 2 Cobblestone in red and 1 Cobblestone in green means that there is a 2/3 chance of Cobblestone going through red and a 1/3 chance of it going through green.


GUI Crafting Table.png

Diamond Transport Pipe
GUI Crafting Table.png
Diamond Fluid Pipe

Diamond Transport Pipe

GUI Crafting Table.png
Diamond Kinesis Pipe

Diamond Transport Pipe

See also[edit]
