Autarchic Diamond AND Gate

Autarchic Diamond AND Gate
Autarchic Diamond AND Gate

Name Autarchic Diamond AND Gate
Source Mod BuildCraft
ID Name Unknown
Type Gate
Stackable Yes (64)

The Autarchic Diamond AND Gate is the AND version of the fourth tier of the Autarchic Gates. It has the following properties:

  • AND gate: If more than one condition has the same output, it will only produce that output if all of the corresponding input conditions is satisfied.
  • Diamond gate: It can interact with any kind of Pipe Wire, it has 8 condition/output slot pairs, and certain inputs can be conditioned on a specific type of item or liquid.
  • Autarchic gate: As one of its output types, it is capable of removing items from a connected inventory without the need for an Engine.


GUI Assembly Table.png
Diamond AND Gate
Redstone Iron Chipset

Pulsating Chipset

Autarchic Diamond AND Gate

GUI Crafting Table.png
Autarchic Diamond OR Gate
Redstone Chipset

Autarchic Diamond AND Gate
