Direwolf20 Config Pack Season 1

This article is about the Direwolf20 Pack for Minecraft Beta 1.7.3. You may be looking for another version of the pack.
Direwolf20 Config Pack Season 1
Direwolf20 Config Pack Season 1
Name Direwolf20 Config Pack Season 1
Creator Direwolf20
Launcher Vanilla SSP or MultiMC
Latest Version Unknown
Minecraft Version Beta 1.7.3
Website [1]

The Direwolf20 Config Pack, Season 1 is a config file and a collection of mods for Minecraft Beta 1.7.3. It was created by Direwolf20, a popular YouTube personality known for his mod spotlights, tutorials and Let's Play series. This pack uses the same mod configuration as used in the (now finished) Season 1 of his single-player Let's Play series, and thus supports playing the series' map snapshots released every ten episodes.

The downloads provide only the config files; the mods themselves must be obtained separately.


Hey everyone! Direwolf20 here. I've been doing a lets play featuring these 3 mods (Plug: http://www.youtube.com/user/direwolf20?feature=mhee)

A LOT LOT LOT of people have been asking for instructions on how to install these 3 mods together (plus a few more I use in my lets play). So I figured I'd post instructions here.

[The three mods referred to are IndustrialCraft, BuildCraft, and Equivalent Exchange.]


The Direwolf20 Config Pack contains the following mods:

Name [Expand] Version
BuildCraft 2.11
Convenient Inventory 1.9
Equivalent Exchange 1 3.55
IndustrialCraft2 1.0
Minecraft Forge 1.2.4
Portal Gun v5
RedPower v171
Risugami's Audio Mod
Risugami's ModLoader
Risugami's Recipe Book
Wireless Redstone 1.4

