Note Block

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The main article can be found at Minecraft Wiki: Note Block.

Note Block
Note Block

Name Note Block
Source Mod Minecraft
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 4.0
Hardness 0.8
Burn Time 300 ticks (1.5 Items)
EMC Value 128
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool will work, but an axe is the most efficient.

Note Blocks play a sound when hit or when powered with redstone. When right-clicked, the sounds played will cycle through two octaves. The instrument played depends on the block the Note Block is placed on. On wooden blocks it plays a string bass sound, on gravel or sand it is a snare drum. Placing it on top of stone will result in a bass drum, wool will result in a guitar sound and any other block will create a piano sound.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Note Block


Note Block can be used to create the following items:

A Note Block can be used to trigger an Arcane Ear.