Suspicious Stew

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The main article can be found at Minecraft Wiki: Suspicious Stew.

Suspicious Stew
Suspicious Stew

Name Suspicious Stew
Source Mod Minecraft
ID Name
First Appearance MC 1.14
Type Item
Stackable No
Food 6 (Hunger.pngHunger.pngHunger.png)
Saturation 7.2

Suspicious Stew is an item added by vanilla Minecraft. It can give the player status effect depending on the flower used to craft it. It can also be obtained by feeding the Brown Mooshroom a flower and milking it with the Bowl.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Mushroom (Red)
Mushroom (Brown)

Allium (Minecraft)

Suspicious Stew

Allium Allium can be substituted with the following items: Azure Bluet Azure Bluet, Blue Orchid Blue Orchid, Dandelion Dandelion, Cornflower Cornflower, Lily of the Valley Lily of the Valley, Oxeye Daisy Oxeye Daisy, Poppy Poppy, Red Tulip Red Tulip, Orange Tulip Orange Tulip, White Tulip White Tulip, Pink Tulip Pink Tulip, Wither Rose Wither Rose.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Mushroom (Red)
Mushroom (Brown)

Mystical Flower

Suspicious Stew


Flower Effect Duration
Allium Allium Fire Resistance Fire Resistance 4s
Azure Bluet Azure Bluet Blindness Blindness 8s
Blue Orchid Blue Orchid
Dandelion Dandelion
Saturation Saturation 0.35s
Cornfower Cornfower Jump Boost Jump Boost 6s
Lily of the Valley Lily of the Valley Poison Poison 12s
Oxeye Daisy Oxeye Daisy Regeneration Regeneration 8s
Poppy Poppy Night Vision Night Vision 5s
Red Tulip Red TulipOrange Tulip Orange Tulip
White Tulip White TulipPink Tulip Pink Tulip
Weakness Weakness 9s
Wither Rose Wither Rose Wither Wither 8s


Flower Effect Duration
Mystical Black Flower Mystical Black Flower Blindness Blindness 4s
Mystical Blue Flower Mystical Blue Flower Night Vision Night Vision 4s
Mystical Brown Flower Mystical Brown Flower Wither Wither 4s
Mystical Cyan Flower Mystical Cyan Flower Water Breathing Water Breathing 4s
Mystical Gray Flower Mystical Gray Flower Resistance Resistance 4s
Mystical Green Flower Mystical Green Flower Hunger Hunger 4s
Mystical Light Blue Flower Mystical Light Blue Flower Jump Boost Jump Boost 4s
Mystical Light Gray Flower Mystical Light Gray Flower Weakness Weakness 4s
Mystical Lime Flower Mystical Lime Flower Poison Poison 4s
Mystical Magenta Flower Mystical Magenta Flower Mining Fatigue Mining Fatigue 4s
Mystical Orange Flower Mystical Orange Flower Fire Resistance Fire Resistance 4s
Mystical Pink Flower Mystical Pink Flower Regeneration Regeneration 4s
Mystical Purple Flower Mystical Purple Flower Nausea Nausea 4s
Mystical Red Flower Mystical Red Flower Strength Strength 4s
Mystical White Flower Mystical White Flower Speed Speed 4s
Mystical Yellow Flower Mystical Yellow Flower Absorption Absorption 4s


Suspicious Stew has no known uses in crafting.