Nether Fortress

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The Nether Fortress is a vanilla Minecraft dungeon found in the Nether. The fortress can spawn above either Lava, Netherrack, or both. The dungeon is made out of Nether Brick with long corridors. Without mods installed, it is the only place where Blazes, Wither Skeletons and Nether Warts can be found.

Inside the Fortress, Chests with loot can be found, containing the following items:

Item Chance Added by Note
Gold Ingot Gold Ingot (1-3) 49% Minecraft
Saddle Saddle (1) 35% Minecraft if no installed mod allows to craft this item, this is the best way to get it
Diamond Diamond (1-3) 19% Minecraft
Flint and Steel Flint and Steel (1) 19% Minecraft
Golden Horse Armor Golden Horse Armor (1) 29% Minecraft if no installed mod allows to craft this item, this is the best way to get it
Iron Horse Armor Iron Horse Armor (1) 19% Minecraft if no installed mod allows to craft this item, this is the best way to get it
Iron Ingot Iron Ingot (1-5) 19% Minecraft
Golden Chestplate Golden Chestplate (1) 19% Minecraft
Golden Sword Golden Sword (1) 19% Minecraft
Nether Wart Nether Wart (3-7) 19% Minecraft
Diamond Horse Armor Diamond Horse Armor (1) 12% Minecraft if no installed mod allows to craft this item, this is the best way to obtain it
Obsidian Obsidian (2-4) 8% Minecraft