Minecart with Command Block

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The main article can be found at Minecraft Wiki: Minecart with Command Block.

Minecart with Command Block
Minecart with Command Block

Name Minecart with Command Block
Source Mod Minecraft
ID Name
First Appearance MC 1.7.2
Type Item
Stackable No

Minecart with Command Block is an item added by vanilla Minecraft, that turns into an entity when placed (right-click) on Rails. It is only obtainable using commands. The item is a combination of a Command Block and a Minecart. When it moves over an active Activator Rail, it will run its command every four game ticks (5 times/second). Moving over a Detector Rail, it will output a redstone signal when its command will run successfully, otherwise it won't. It will break on hit and will only drop a Minecart.


Minecart with Command Block has no known uses in crafting.