Refined Iron

This page covers content or features that are no longer available in newer mod versions.

Information on this article does not apply to most recent versions of the respective mod, the described features have been deprecated or removed.

Refined Iron
Refined Iron

Name Refined Iron
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2
ID Name
OreDict Names
Type Ingot
Stackable Yes (64)

Refined Iron is an item formerly used in many important IndustrialCraft2 recipes, such as the Machine Block or Electronic Circuit. It could've be obtained by smelting an Iron Ingot or Refined Iron Dust. Plates, Dense Plates and Item Casings made out of Refined Iron exist as well.

As of Minecraft 1.6 and IndustrialCraft2 Experimental, crafting Refined Iron has become obsolete. It cannot be created anymore in any way, and all occurences in crafting recipes have been changed to use either Iron Ingots or the new Iron Plates. It has also been registered as an Iron Ingot in the Ore Dictionary, meaning that all recipes still using it will require regular Iron Ingots instead, and that it can be used in place of regular Iron in most recipes.

As of Minecraft 1.7, there a new item was added with the name Refined Iron Ingot that can be crafted from Iron in Blast Furnace which is used in some recipes and to make plates, dense plates and item casings. In the new versions it was renamed into the Steel Ingot. However, it has nothing to do with Refined Iron item itself, which is still hidden within the depths of the IndustrialCraft2 Experimental code.



GUI Furnace.png
Iron Ingot
Refined Iron

GUI Crafting Table.png
Machine Block

Refined Iron
GUI Crafting Table.png
Industrial Credit
Industrial Credit
Industrial Credit
Industrial Credit
Industrial Credit
Industrial Credit
Industrial Credit
Industrial Credit
Industrial Credit
Refined Iron

Advanced Machines

GUI Furnace.png
Refined Iron Dust
Refined Iron

Modular Powersuits

GUI Crafting Table.png
Basic Plating

Refined Iron


Refined Iron can be used to create the following items: