QuantumSuit Boots

QuantumSuit Boots
QuantumSuit Boots

Name QuantumSuit Boots
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2
ID Name
Type Armor
Stackable No
Energy 10 000 000 EU
Armor 3 (Armor.pngHalf Armor.png)
Armor Toughness 2 (Toughness.png)

The QuantumSuit Boots are a new type of armor introduced in IndustrialCraft2. They are extremely powerful, but also extremely expensive, having Iridium Plates as one of their components. Charged Boots allow the user to jump extremely high (up to 9 blocks up, if the nerf quantumarmor option under GregTech config is activated, then you can only jump up to 5 blocks high) and negate all fall damage completely from any height as long as the boots still have power. If the player is sprinting when the jump key is pressed, the player will move twice as far. It may be a glitch but if the player jumps right as the player begins to sprint, the player will jump 4 times as far as normal. Note: Hold the Boost key (Defaults to Ctrl, customizable) while jumping to activate. 

Quantumboots can also be enchanted by combining them with an enchanted book in an anvil. Feather falling won't make any difference, but haste is an option, and especially interesting if you do not have the QuantumSuit Leggings. Haste will then also increase your speed when flying, making it quite useful.

QuantumSuit Armor Set


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
NanoSuit Boots
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Rubber Boots
Lapotron Crystal (IndustrialCraft 2)
Rubber Boots

QuantumSuit Boots

GregTech 5

GUI Assembly Line GT5.png
Assembly Line
NanoSuit Boots
Iridium Reinforced Plate
Lapotronic Energy Orb (GregTech 5)
Field Generator (HV)
Electric Piston (IV)
Tungsten Screw (GregTech 5)
Tungsten Screw (GregTech 5)

QuantumSuit Boots Construction Data
Molten Soldering Alloy
Molten Titanium

QuantumSuit Boots
6144000 EU
4096 EU/t
75 secs

GUI Scanner GT5.png
Data Stick
Data Stick
NanoSuit Boots

QuantumSuit Boots Construction Data
4320000 EU
30 EU/t
30 EU
7200 secs


The QuantumSuit Boots, like all other pieces of QuantumSuit, stores up to 10 million EU, and can only be recharged in a High Voltage-capable device such as the MFSU.


QuantumSuit Boots can be used to create the following items: