Water Mill

Water Mill
Water Mill

Name Water Mill
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type EU Generator
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 0.0
Hardness 5.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wrench

The Water Mill produces EU by having a Water Bucket, Water Bottle, Water Cell, Water Can or Water Capsule (of any type) placed in its lower slot; alternatively the Water Mill produces EU for every adjacent water block which allows it to generate minimal energy, gradually over time. They don't have an internal power storage. Water mills can operate constantly and their energy output can be easily transported with a Tin cable.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Generator (IndustrialCraft 2)
Generator (IndustrialCraft 2)
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Water Mill

GregTech 4

GUI Crafting Table.png
Aluminium Ingot (GregTech 4)

Aluminium Ingot (GregTech 4)
Generator (IndustrialCraft 2)
Aluminium Ingot (GregTech 4)

Aluminium Ingot (GregTech 4)

Water Mill

GregTech 5

GUI Assembling Machine GT5.png
Aluminium Plate (GregTech 5)
Generator (IndustrialCraft 2)

Water Mill
51200 EU
8 EU/t
8 EU
320 secs


The Water Mill has two modes of operation:

  • Manned: The Water Mill is filled manually by placing a Water Bucket or Water Cells in the lower slot
  • Unmanned: The Water Mill is submerged in water

Optionally an RE Battery can be placed in the upper slot.

The Water Mill will charge the battery or output power at a rate of:

  • Manned: Depending on what you "fuel" the Water Mill with:
    • Water Bucket: 1 EU/t and 500 EU per bucket.
    • Water Cell: 2 EU/t and 1000 EU per cell.
Both Water Buckets and Water Cells last 25 seconds in a Water Mill. Do note that the Cell is consumed along with the water it contains, while the Bucket does not get consumed.
  • Unmanned: 0.010 EU/t per block of adjacent water. The maximum output of an unmanned Water Mill is 0.25 EU/t (3x3x3 cube of water minus the mill in the middle, and 1 piece of cable to direct the energy = 25 water tiles).
Water Mill can be used to create the following items:

Water Towers

A Water Mill on its own will produce very little EU if left unmanned, even when completely surrounded in water. So it's better to build compact clusters of them. A 'water tower' is one of many methods.

A water tower is a number of watermills, usually stacked, such that they all feed to the same energy storage device and are surrounded by water. For best results, arrange the tower sections so that there's at least a one block layer of water around each watermill. Below is an example of a horizontal layer of a watermill.

Detailed Mechanics

A Water Mill only uses water that directly surrounds it (a 3x3x3 box with the Water Mill in the center). Each block of water adds roughly .01 EU/t to its overall output.

Using the water tower design from above will result in each Water Mill being surrounded by 21 water blocks like so:

File:Watermill example 2.png

21 * 0.010 = 0.21 EU/t from each watermill, meaning roughly 2.3 EU/t from each tower section (11 watermills)

Some notes about the behavior of Water Mills:

  • Water Mills can 'share' the same water block with seemingly no effect.
  • Using flowing water instead of still water has no noticeable effect.
  • A Water Mill suspended over water will still react to the water below it even though the watermill is not visibly touching the water.
  • Water Mills are not noticeably affected by rainfall.
