Advanced Machine Casing (IndustrialCraft 2)

Advanced Machine Casing
Advanced Machine Casing

Advanced Machine Casing

Name Advanced Machine Casing
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 10.0
Hardness 2.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Wooden Pickaxe

Previously named the Advanced Machine Block, the Advanced Machine Casing is the most basic component of all Tier 2 IndustrialCraft2 Machines, similar to the way the Basic Machine Casing is the basic component for all Tier 1 IC2 Machines.

In order to create Advanced Machine Blocks, a Macerator, or some other source of Bronze Ingots, is required to make Mixed Metal Ingots, which are then compressed in either a Rolling Machine or a Compressor to make Advanced Alloy. These Machines are also necessary for crafting Carbon Plates. They may also be placed in the world for decoration and retrieved with a pickaxe.

With GregTech 4 installed, a Steel or Stainless Machine Hull may be substituted for most uses.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Refined Iron Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Carbon Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Refined Iron Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Advanced Alloy
Basic Machine Casing
Advanced Alloy
Refined Iron Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Carbon Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Refined Iron Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Advanced Machine Casing (IndustrialCraft 2)

Age of Engineering

GUI Crafting Table.png
Carbon Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Carbon Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)

Advanced Alloy
Machine Block
Advanced Alloy

Carbon Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Carbon Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)

Advanced Machine Casing (IndustrialCraft 2)


Advanced Machine Casing (IndustrialCraft 2) can be used to create the following items: