QuantumSuit Bodyarmor

QuantumSuit Bodyarmor
QuantumSuit Bodyarmor

Name QuantumSuit Bodyarmor
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2
ID Name
Type Armor
Stackable No
Energy 10 000 000 EU
Armor 8 (Armor.pngArmor.pngArmor.pngArmor.png)
Armor Toughness 2 (Toughness.png)

The QuantumSuit Bodyarmor is an Armor item added by the IndustrialCraft2 mod. A powerful and costly piece of equipment, having Iridium Plates as one of its components. A charged Bodyarmor will absorb a large portion of incoming damage, but not from fire. The Bodyarmor also includes a Quantum Jetpack [1].

QuantumSuit Armor Set


GUI Crafting Table.png
Advanced Alloy
NanoSuit Bodyarmor
Advanced Alloy
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Lapotron Crystal (IndustrialCraft 2)
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Electric Jetpack
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
QuantumSuit Bodyarmor

Before 1.6

GUI Crafting Table.png
Advanced Alloy
NanoSuit Bodyarmor
Advanced Alloy
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Lapotron Crystal (IndustrialCraft 2)
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
Advanced Alloy
Iridium Plate (IndustrialCraft 2)
QuantumSuit Bodyarmor

GregTech 5

GUI Assembly Line GT5.png
Assembly Line
NanoSuit Bodyarmor
Iridium Reinforced Plate
Lapotronic Energy Orb (GregTech 5)
Field Generator (HV)
Electric Motor (IV)
Tungsten Screw (GregTech 5)
Tungsten Screw (GregTech 5)

QuantumSuit Bodyarmor Construction Data
Molten Soldering Alloy
Molten Titanium

QuantumSuit Bodyarmor
6144000 EU
4096 EU/t
75 secs

GUI Scanner GT5.png
Data Stick
Data Stick
NanoSuit Bodyarmor

QuantumSuit Bodyarmor Construction Data
4320000 EU
30 EU/t
30 EU
7200 secs

Gravitation Suite

GUI Assembly Line GT5.png
Assembly Line
Advanced NanoChestPlate
Iridium Reinforced Plate
Lapotronic Energy Orb (GregTech 5)
Field Generator (HV)
Electric Motor (IV)
Tungsten Screw (GregTech 5)
Tungsten Screw (GregTech 5)

QuantumSuit Bodyarmor Construction Data
Molten Soldering Alloy
Molten Titanium

QuantumSuit Bodyarmor
6144000 EU
4096 EU/t
75 secs

GUI Scanner GT5.png
Data Stick
Data Stick
Advanced NanoChestPlate

QuantumSuit Bodyarmor Construction Data
4320000 EU
30 EU/t
30 EU
7200 secs


The QuantumSuit Bodyarmor, like all other pieces of QuantumSuit, stores up to 10 million EU, and can only be charged in a High Voltage-capable device such as the MFSU.


The following applies to each piece of Quantum Armor in the set. Each piece has an internal energy buffer of 1,000,000 EU, and can use up to 39,990 EU in an instant. 30 EU is consumed for every unit of damage it protects against, so each piece can protect against 33,333 half-hearts of damage to the player on a single charge, or 1,333 at once. It charges at a rate of 1000 EU per tick in an MFSU, so it charges fully in 50 seconds.

The following is the percent of damage that is absorbed by each piece of Armor (individually).

Armor Piece Helmet Bodyarmor Leggings Boots
Protection Ratio 15% 44% 30% 15%

The maximum damage the Player can suffer from a fall or explosion while wearing a full set of Armor and still have 100% protection is limited by the bodyarmor piece. The maximum damage that each piece can protect the Player against is 1333 in an instant. When the protection of the bodyarmor is reduced below 40% the Player will suffer damage. So if the Player suffer a little more than 1,333 / 0.4 = 3,333 damage the Player will get hurt. In practice, a fall distance of at least 3,340 is necessary to get a half-heart of damage. the Player can suffer such a fall 25 times before the bodyarmor runs out of EU.

If the Player wears a helmet, bodyarmor, and leggings with rubber boots, the Player gets 89% more protection from the damage suffered with the boots alone during a fall. Fall damage is reduced by a factor of 8 with rubber boots, and it doesn't matter during the one fall if they get destroyed. This means that if the Player suffer 1,000 fall damage, 125 will remain after the boots protect the Player, and the Armor will reduce that to 14, so the Player will probably live.

All these pieces can be enchanted as well, but not directly. the Player will need to enchant a book, and then combine the book and the equipment in an anvil, if it is an enchantment for the equipment. It is for example possible to get Haste on the Player's Quantum Boots.


QuantumSuit Bodyarmor can be used to create the following items:


  1. Jump up Press IC2 Boost Key + IC2 Mode Switch key bind to enable or disable the Quantum Jetpack. Press Jump + IC2 Mode Switch key bind to enable or disable Hover Mode. With the Jetpack enabled, the Player can press Jump to fly, and Sneak to sink faster while in Hover Mode.