Terra Wart

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Terra Wart
Terra Wart

Name Terra Wart
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)
Food 0
Saturation 1.0

Terra Wart is a Tier 5 plant from IndustrialCraft2 (Tiers range from 1-8). It can only be acquired from Cross Breeding. However, you can plant harvested Terra Wart, though its stats will all be 1. In its initial stage of growth it is identical to Nether Wart. On its second stage of growth it takes on a blue color.

Harvesting Terra Wart may yield either Terra Wart plants, Terra Wart Seed Bags, or both. Eating Terra Wart plants removes all negative effects (except blindness) of potions, beer, or Rum (similar to the effect of drinking milk).

Recommended cross-breeding combos: Stickreed + Stickreed, Nether Wart + Nether Wart, Rose + Rose. Terra Wart is identical to nether wart in its first stage of growth.


Terra Wart can be used to create the following items: