Frequency Transmitter

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Frequency Transmitter
Frequency Transmitter

Name Frequency Transmitter
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

The Frequency Transmitter is capable of manipulating the Teleporter connections.

To use, right-click Teleporter "A" to save its frequency into the Frequency Transmitter.

A chat message will prompt "Frequency Transmitter linked to teleporter"

now right-click Teleporter "B" to manipulate its frequency to that of Teleporter "A".

A chat message will prompt "Teleporter link established"

If you wish to clear a saved Frequency from a Frequency Transmitter simply Right-Click any block besides a Teleporter.

A in chat message will prompt "Frequency Transmitter unlinked"

Another way to do this is to destroy one Teleporter.

Frequency Transmitters are also used for crafting MFFS items like the Projector.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Electronic Circuit
Insulated Copper Cable

Frequency Transmitter

Age of Engineering

GUI Crafting Table.png
Electronic Circuit
Insulated Copper Cable

Frequency Transmitter

Electronic Circuit Electronic Circuit can be substituted with Basic Control Circuit Basic Control Circuit.

GregTech 5

GUI Assembling Machine GT5.png
Electronic Circuit
Electronic Circuit
1x Copper Cable

Frequency Transmitter
800 EU
1 EU/t
1 EU
40 secs

1x Copper Cable 1x Copper Cable can be substituted with the following items: 1x Tin Cable 1x Tin Cable, Insulated Copper Cable Insulated Copper Cable, Insulated Tin Cable Insulated Tin Cable.


Frequency Transmitter can be used to create the following items: