CF Sprayer

CF Sprayer
CF Sprayer

Name CF Sprayer
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2
ID Name
Type Tool
Stackable No
Foam Capacity 8,000 mB

The CF Sprayer is a tool for rapidly placing Construction Foam blocks. It will spray 13 blocks of Construction Foam in a blob around the block it was used on; the spread of the blocks depends on how the tool is aimed as well as the shape of the terrain. In a confined area, the Sprayer should be used with caution as the blocks will expand toward the nearest available space, which may include where the player is standing.

A CF Sprayer can place Construction Foam directly on Cables, which will retain all their normal cable properties in addition to becoming paintable Construction Foam blocks. Of particular note is the fact that the foam does not act as an insulator on uninsulated cables.

If a CF Sprayer is used on a Scaffold it will replace the nearest Scaffold blocks with the construction foam, dropping the scaffolds as items. This is useful for quickly building walls.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Item Casing

Iron Item Casing

Universal Fluid Cell
Iron Item Casing
CF Sprayer

Before 1.6

CF Sprayer has another icon in MC versions before 1.6.

GUI Crafting Table.png


CF Sprayer


GUI Fluid-Solid Canning Machine 3.png
CF Sprayer

Fluid Gauge GUI Canning Machine.png

CF Sprayer

Before 1.6

1/8 Fill
GUI Crafting Table.png
CF Pellet

CF Sprayer

CF Sprayer

Full Fill
GUI Crafting Table.png
CF Pellet
CF Pellet
CF Pellet
CF Pellet
CF Sprayer
CF Pellet
CF Pellet
CF Pellet
CF Pellet
CF Sprayer


CF Sprayer can be used to create the following items: