Old Urn

Old Urn
Block Old Urn (Common).png

Grid Old Urn (Common).png

Name Old Urn
Source Mod Thaumcraft 4
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 0.0
Hardness 0.15
Solid Yes
Transparent Yes
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Any tool will work, but a pickaxe is the most efficient.

Old Urn is a block added by the Thaumcraft 4 mod. Comes in 3 types: Common, Uncommon and Rare. Each type differs by texture: Common has no runes on the sides, Uncommon has 1 line of runes and Rare has 2 lines. They also differ by name color and the items dropped from when broken. Fortune can be applied to the tool used to break the crate, and will boost the chances the same as when breaking ore blocks, up to additional 230% with Fortune III, but not more than shown in the table below.

These urns can be found in Hollow Hills or in Eldritch Dimension.

These blocks can be obtained in block form by using Vajra or transported without breaking by various devices from many mods.

Dropped Items

Common Uncommon Rare
Bottle o' Enchanting Bottle o' Enchanting (0-2)
Diamond Diamond (0-3)
Emerald Emerald (0-2)
Enchanted Book Enchanted Book (0-2)
Enchanted Golden Apple Enchanted Golden Apple (0-2)
Ender Pearl Ender Pearl (0-3)
Gold Coin Gold Coin (0-3)
Gold Ingot Gold Ingot (0-3)
Golden Apple Golden Apple (0-2)
Knowledge Fragment (Thaumcraft 4) Knowledge Fragment (Thaumcraft 4) (0-3)
Mundane Amulet Mundane Amulet (0-3)
Mundane Belt (Thaumcraft 4) Mundane Belt (Thaumcraft 4) (0-2)
Mundane Ring (Thaumcraft 4) Mundane Ring (Thaumcraft 4) (0-2)
Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of Fire Resistance (0-2)
Potion of Harming II Potion of Harming II (0-2)
Potion of Harming Potion of Harming (0-2)
Potion of Healing II Potion of Healing II (0-2)
Potion of Healing Potion of Healing (0-2)
Potion of Invisibility Potion of Invisibility (0-2)
Potion of Night Vision Potion of Night Vision (0-2)
Potion of Poison II Potion of Poison II (0-2)
Potion of Poison Potion of Poison (0-2)
Potion of Regeneration II Potion of Regeneration II (0-2)
Potion of Regeneration Potion of Regeneration (0-2)
Potion of Slowness Potion of Slowness (0-2)
Potion of Strength II Potion of Strength II (0-2)
Potion of Strength Potion of Strength (0-2)
Potion of Swiftness II Potion of Swiftness II (0-2)
Potion of Swiftness Potion of Swiftness (0-2)
Potion of Water Breathing Potion of Water Breathing (0-2)
Potion of Weakness Potion of Weakness (0-2)
Splash Potion of Fire Resistance Splash Potion of Fire Resistance (0-2)
Splash Potion of Harming II Splash Potion of Harming II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Harming Splash Potion of Harming (0-2)
Splash Potion of Healing II Splash Potion of Healing II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Healing Splash Potion of Healing (0-2)
Splash Potion of Invisibility Splash Potion of Invisibility (0-2)
Splash Potion of Night Vision Splash Potion of Night Vision (0-2)
Splash Potion of Poison II Splash Potion of Poison II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Poison Splash Potion of Poison (0-2)
Splash Potion of Regeneration II Splash Potion of Regeneration II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Regeneration Splash Potion of Regeneration (0-2)
Splash Potion of Slowness Splash Potion of Slowness (0-2)
Splash Potion of Strength II Splash Potion of Strength II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Strength Splash Potion of Strength (0-2)
Splash Potion of Swiftness II Splash Potion of Swiftness II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Swiftness Splash Potion of Swiftness (0-2)
Splash Potion of Water Breathing Splash Potion of Water Breathing (0-2)
Splash Potion of Weakness Splash Potion of Weakness (0-2)
Apprentices Ring of Aer Apprentices Ring of Aer (0-3)
Apprentices Ring of Aqua Apprentices Ring of Aqua (0-2)
Apprentices Ring of Ignis Apprentices Ring of Ignis (0-2)
Apprentices Ring of Ordo Apprentices Ring of Ordo (0-2)
Apprentices Ring of Perditio Apprentices Ring of Perditio (0-2)
Apprentices Ring of Terra Apprentices Ring of Terra (0-3)
Bottle o' Enchanting Bottle o' Enchanting (0-2)
Chain Boots Chain Boots (0-2)
Chain Chestplate Chain Chestplate (0-1)
Chain Helmet Chain Helmet (0-2)
Chain Leggings Chain Leggings (0-2)
Diamond Boots Diamond Boots (0-1)
Diamond Chestplate Diamond Chestplate (0-1)
Diamond Helmet Diamond Helmet (0-1)
Diamond Leggings Diamond Leggings (0-1)
Diamond Sword Diamond Sword (0-1)
Diamond Diamond (0-4)
Emerald Emerald (0-4)
Enchanted Book Enchanted Book (0-3)
Enchanted Golden Apple Enchanted Golden Apple (0-2)
Ender Pearl Ender Pearl (0-4)
Gold Coin Gold Coin (0-8)
Gold Ingot Gold Ingot (0-4)
Golden Apple Golden Apple (0-2)
Golden Axe Golden Axe (0-2)
Golden Boots Golden Boots (0-2)
Golden Chestplate Golden Chestplate (0-2)
Golden Helmet Golden Helmet (0-2)
Golden Leggings Golden Leggings (0-2)
Golden Sword Golden Sword (0-2)
Iron Axe Iron Axe (0-1)
Iron Boots Iron Boots (0-1)
Iron Chestplate Iron Chestplate (0-1)
Iron Helmet Iron Helmet (0-1)
Iron Leggings Iron Leggings (0-1)
Iron Sword Iron Sword (0-2)
Knowledge Fragment (Thaumcraft 4) Knowledge Fragment (Thaumcraft 4) (0-3)
Leather Boots Leather Boots (0-2)
Leather Cap Leather Cap (0-2)
Leather Pants Leather Pants (0-2)
Leather Tunic Leather Tunic (0-2)
Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of Fire Resistance (0-2)
Potion of Harming II Potion of Harming II (0-2)
Potion of Harming Potion of Harming (0-2)
Potion of Healing II Potion of Healing II (0-2)
Potion of Healing Potion of Healing (0-2)
Potion of Invisibility Potion of Invisibility (0-2)
Potion of Night Vision Potion of Night Vision (0-2)
Potion of Poison II Potion of Poison II (0-2)
Potion of Poison Potion of Poison (0-3)
Potion of Regeneration II Potion of Regeneration II (0-2)
Potion of Regeneration Potion of Regeneration (0-2)
Potion of Slowness Potion of Slowness (0-2)
Potion of Strength II Potion of Strength II (0-2)
Potion of Strength Potion of Strength (0-2)
Potion of Swiftness II Potion of Swiftness II (0-2)
Potion of Swiftness Potion of Swiftness (0-2)
Potion of Water Breathing Potion of Water Breathing (0-2)
Potion of Weakness Potion of Weakness (0-2)
Ring of Protection Ring of Protection (0-3)
Splash Potion of Fire Resistance Splash Potion of Fire Resistance (0-2)
Splash Potion of Harming II Splash Potion of Harming II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Harming Splash Potion of Harming (0-2)
Splash Potion of Healing II Splash Potion of Healing II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Healing Splash Potion of Healing (0-2)
Splash Potion of Invisibility Splash Potion of Invisibility (0-2)
Splash Potion of Night Vision Splash Potion of Night Vision (0-2)
Splash Potion of Poison II Splash Potion of Poison II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Poison Splash Potion of Poison (0-2)
Splash Potion of Regeneration II Splash Potion of Regeneration II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Regeneration Splash Potion of Regeneration (0-2)
Splash Potion of Slowness Splash Potion of Slowness (0-2)
Splash Potion of Strength II Splash Potion of Strength II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Strength Splash Potion of Strength (0-2)
Splash Potion of Swiftness II Splash Potion of Swiftness II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Swiftness Splash Potion of Swiftness (0-2)
Splash Potion of Water Breathing Splash Potion of Water Breathing (0-2)
Splash Potion of Weakness Splash Potion of Weakness (0-2)
Thaumium Boots (Thaumcraft 4) Thaumium Boots (Thaumcraft 4) (0-1)
Thaumium Chestplate (Thaumcraft 4) Thaumium Chestplate (Thaumcraft 4) (0-1)
Thaumium Helm (Thaumcraft 4) Thaumium Helm (Thaumcraft 4) (0-1)
Thaumium Leggings (Thaumcraft 4) Thaumium Leggings (Thaumcraft 4) (0-1)
Thaumium Sword (Thaumcraft 4) Thaumium Sword (Thaumcraft 4) (0-1)
Vis Stone Vis Stone (0-2)
Void Boots Void Boots (0-1)
Void Chestplate Void Chestplate (0-1)
Void Helm Void Helm (0-1)
Void Leggings Void Leggings (0-1)
Void Sword Void Sword (0-1)
Apprentices Ring of Aer Apprentices Ring of Aer (0-3)
Apprentices Ring of Aqua Apprentices Ring of Aqua (0-3)
Apprentices Ring of Ignis Apprentices Ring of Ignis (0-3)
Apprentices Ring of Ordo Apprentices Ring of Ordo (0-3)
Apprentices Ring of Perditio Apprentices Ring of Perditio (0-2)
Apprentices Ring of Terra Apprentices Ring of Terra (0-3)
Bottle o' Enchanting Bottle o' Enchanting (0-3)
Chain Boots Chain Boots (0-2)
Chain Chestplate Chain Chestplate (0-2)
Chain Helmet Chain Helmet (0-2)
Chain Leggings Chain Leggings (0-2)
Diamond Boots Diamond Boots (0-1)
Diamond Chestplate Diamond Chestplate (0-1)
Diamond Helmet Diamond Helmet (0-1)
Diamond Leggings Diamond Leggings (0-1)
Diamond Sword Diamond Sword (0-1)
Diamond Diamond (0-4)
Emerald Emerald (0-4)
Enchanted Book Enchanted Book (0-3)
Enchanted Golden Apple Enchanted Golden Apple (0-2)
Ender Pearl Ender Pearl (0-4)
Gold Coin Gold Coin (0-15)
Gold Ingot Gold Ingot (0-4)
Golden Apple Golden Apple (0-3)
Golden Axe Golden Axe (0-2)
Golden Boots Golden Boots (0-2)
Golden Chestplate Golden Chestplate (0-2)
Golden Helmet Golden Helmet (0-2)
Golden Leggings Golden Leggings (0-2)
Golden Sword Golden Sword (0-2)
Iron Axe Iron Axe (0-2)
Iron Boots Iron Boots (0-2)
Iron Chestplate Iron Chestplate (0-2)
Iron Helmet Iron Helmet (0-2)
Iron Leggings Iron Leggings (0-2)
Iron Sword Iron Sword (0-2)
Knowledge Fragment (Thaumcraft 4) Knowledge Fragment (Thaumcraft 4) (0-4)
Leather Boots Leather Boots (0-2)
Leather Cap Leather Cap (0-2)
Leather Pants Leather Pants (0-2)
Leather Tunic Leather Tunic (0-2)
Nether Star Nether Star (0-2)
Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of Fire Resistance (0-2)
Potion of Harming II Potion of Harming II (0-2)
Potion of Harming Potion of Harming (0-2)
Potion of Healing II Potion of Healing II (0-2)
Potion of Healing Potion of Healing (0-2)
Potion of Invisibility Potion of Invisibility (0-2)
Potion of Night Vision Potion of Night Vision (0-2)
Potion of Poison II Potion of Poison II (0-2)
Potion of Poison Potion of Poison (0-2)
Potion of Regeneration II Potion of Regeneration II (0-2)
Potion of Regeneration Potion of Regeneration (0-2)
Potion of Slowness Potion of Slowness (0-2)
Potion of Strength II Potion of Strength II (0-2)
Potion of Strength Potion of Strength (0-3)
Potion of Swiftness II Potion of Swiftness II (0-2)
Potion of Swiftness Potion of Swiftness (0-2)
Potion of Water Breathing Potion of Water Breathing (0-2)
Potion of Weakness Potion of Weakness (0-2)
Primordial Pearl Primordial Pearl (0-2)
Ring of Protection Ring of Protection (0-3)
Splash Potion of Fire Resistance Splash Potion of Fire Resistance (0-2)
Splash Potion of Harming II Splash Potion of Harming II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Harming Splash Potion of Harming (0-2)
Splash Potion of Healing II Splash Potion of Healing II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Healing Splash Potion of Healing (0-2)
Splash Potion of Invisibility Splash Potion of Invisibility (0-2)
Splash Potion of Night Vision Splash Potion of Night Vision (0-2)
Splash Potion of Poison II Splash Potion of Poison II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Poison Splash Potion of Poison (0-2)
Splash Potion of Regeneration II Splash Potion of Regeneration II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Regeneration Splash Potion of Regeneration (0-2)
Splash Potion of Slowness Splash Potion of Slowness (0-3)
Splash Potion of Strength II Splash Potion of Strength II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Strength Splash Potion of Strength (0-2)
Splash Potion of Swiftness II Splash Potion of Swiftness II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Swiftness Splash Potion of Swiftness (0-2)
Splash Potion of Water Breathing Splash Potion of Water Breathing (0-2)
Splash Potion of Weakness Splash Potion of Weakness (0-2)
Thaumium Boots (Thaumcraft 4) Thaumium Boots (Thaumcraft 4) (0-1)
Thaumium Chestplate (Thaumcraft 4) Thaumium Chestplate (Thaumcraft 4) (0-1)
Thaumium Helm (Thaumcraft 4) Thaumium Helm (Thaumcraft 4) (0-1)
Thaumium Leggings (Thaumcraft 4) Thaumium Leggings (Thaumcraft 4) (0-1)
Thaumium Sword (Thaumcraft 4) Thaumium Sword (Thaumcraft 4) (0-1)
Vis Stone Vis Stone (0-2)
Void Boots Void Boots (0-1)
Void Chestplate Void Chestplate (0-1)
Void Helm Void Helm (0-1)
Void Leggings Void Leggings (0-1)
Void Sword Void Sword (0-1)

Note: The maximum values for drops listed above may be higher than listed, however drops of such magnitude are extremely rare. The values are based on a test of 12,800,000 random drops for each urn.

Additional Information on Drops

  • About 2/3 of the armor, tools and weapons come enchanted with random enchantments from lv15 to lv30. Only restriction is that enchantments have to be added by Thaumcraft and its addons or exist in vanilla Minecraft.
  • Also most of the armor, tools and weapons are broken, but broken never more than 10% of total durability, so the items are almost new. However, this causes some storage problems.
  • Note that Primordial Pearls can be obtained from such crates. Unfortunately, the chance for one to drop is only 0.1%, but it can be raised up to 0.33% with Fortune III, which is still too low though.
  • Gold Coins are dropped in value of 1, 2 or 3 from Common, 4, 6, 8 from Uncommon and 9, 12 or 15 from Rare. Other values (including 0) can be obtained in extreme low chance cases, when 5 or more of the rare items are already dropped from a single crate.
  • The rarest drop possible is Void Sword and other Void metal Ingot-based items from Uncommon urn, with a drop rate less than 1 in 10,000,000. For most of the items dropped from the crates, their drop rate varies from 1% to 10%. Nether Stars, Enchanted Golden Apples and Thaumium Armor have a low chance to drop, about 0.1% - 0.3%.
  • Emeralds drop 1.5 times more often than Diamonds.
  • All Vis Stones drop when they have the same charge. And all the Enchanted Books have the same enchantments on them.
  • The average coin amount dropped from a single urn without using Fortune is: 1.68 for Common, 4.67 for Uncommon and 8.78 for Rare.


Old Urn has no known uses in crafting.