Runic Shielding
These items give the player fixed runic shielding points:
Amulet of Runic Shielding +8 Runic Shielding
Amulet of Emergency Shielding +7 Runic Shielding
Ring of Protection +1 Runic Shielding
Ring of Runic Shielding +5 Runic Shielding
Charged Ring of Shielding +4 Runic Shielding
Revitalizing Ring of Shielding +4 Runic Shielding
Girdle of Runic Shielding +10 Runic Shielding
Kinetic Girdle of Shielding +9 Runic Shielding
[hide]Enchanting Armor
If the player wears the armor added by the Thaumcraft 4 or its addons, the armor will be also enchantable with Runic Shielding, up to 5 points per armor piece. The following recipes show the example of runic shield enchantments applied to Thaumaturge's Robe.
The armor which the player wants to enchant has to be already enchanted with the previous level of runic shielding. So, in order to start Runic Shielding +3 enchantment, the player has to put the armor enchanted with Runic Shielding +2 as the catalysts. Runic Shielding +1 requires unenchanted armor. As this enchantment only adds armor an ability to hold runic shield, this can be done to enchanted armor and the armor with not full durability.
Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes
Runic Shielding Augmentation
Shields to maximum!
Thaumonomicon Entry
"Rings, amulets and girdles with runic shielding is all good and well, but surely you can apply this protective enchantment to other things?
Of course you can! By utilizing the magic of Thaumaturgy(c) (patent pending), you are able to add runic shielding to most magically stable pieces of armor.
'Magically stable' items are those crafted from thaumium, enchanted fabric or similarly magical materials.
Only a single charge of runic shielding is added to the item, but you can enchant an item multiple times. This is expensive and the amount of ingredients and essentia required will increase with each level. The Salis Mundus required will equal the level of shielding you want, and the essentia cost will increase exponentially.
You can enchant existing runic items like Rings of Shielding as well, however the cost is calculated based on their existing runic charge making it an exceptionally expensive process."
Example Recipes
- Several mobs also have Runic Shields: Champion Mobs with Warded ability, Eldritch Guardians in Eldritch Dimension and Champion Eldritch Guardian.
- Runic Shield blocks even the damage counted as "Void damage" or "Divine damage" as it only protects player's health. So, the same hit to the player in armor and to the player without armor will take different amount of runic shielding points.
- Advanced accessoires have very useful effects with runic shielding. For example, Kinetic Girdle of Shielding will create and explosion when the shield is breached.