Common Treasure

Common Treasure
Common Treasure

Name Common Treasure
Source Mod Thaumcraft 4
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (16)

Common Treasure is an item added by the Thaumcraft 4 mod. It drops from Champion Mobs. Can be right-click to be opened, this will remove 1 bag from the inventory and drop random items from the list below under the player's feet.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes

No related research.

Research aspects in this mob



Bottle o' Enchanting Bottle o' Enchanting (0-2)
Diamond Diamond (0-3)
Emerald Emerald (0-2)
Enchanted Book Enchanted Book (0-2)
Enchanted Golden Apple Enchanted Golden Apple (0-2)
Ender Pearl Ender Pearl (0-3)
Gold Coin Gold Coin (0-3)
Gold Ingot Gold Ingot (0-3)
Golden Apple Golden Apple (0-2)
Knowledge Fragment Knowledge Fragment (0-3)
Mundane Amulet Mundane Amulet (0-3)
Mundane Belt Mundane Belt (0-2)
Mundane Ring Mundane Ring (0-2)
Potion of Fire Resistance Potion of Fire Resistance (0-2)
Potion of Harming II Potion of Harming II (0-2)
Potion of Harming Potion of Harming (0-2)
Potion of Healing II Potion of Healing II (0-2)
Potion of Healing Potion of Healing (0-2)
Potion of Invisibility Potion of Invisibility (0-2)
Potion of Night Vision Potion of Night Vision (0-2)
Potion of Poison II Potion of Poison II (0-2)
Potion of Poison Potion of Poison (0-2)
Potion of Regeneration II Potion of Regeneration II (0-2)
Potion of Regeneration Potion of Regeneration (0-2)
Potion of Slowness Potion of Slowness (0-2)
Potion of Strength II Potion of Strength II (0-2)
Potion of Strength Potion of Strength (0-2)
Potion of Swiftness II Potion of Swiftness II (0-2)
Potion of Swiftness Potion of Swiftness (0-2)
Potion of Water Breathing Potion of Water Breathing (0-2)
Potion of Weakness Potion of Weakness (0-2)
Splash Potion of Fire Resistance Splash Potion of Fire Resistance (0-2)
Splash Potion of Harming II Splash Potion of Harming II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Harming Splash Potion of Harming (0-2)
Splash Potion of Healing II Splash Potion of Healing II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Healing Splash Potion of Healing (0-2)
Splash Potion of Invisibility Splash Potion of Invisibility (0-2)
Splash Potion of Night Vision Splash Potion of Night Vision (0-2)
Splash Potion of Poison II Splash Potion of Poison II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Poison Splash Potion of Poison (0-2)
Splash Potion of Regeneration II Splash Potion of Regeneration II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Regeneration Splash Potion of Regeneration (0-2)
Splash Potion of Slowness Splash Potion of Slowness (0-2)
Splash Potion of Strength II Splash Potion of Strength II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Strength Splash Potion of Strength (0-2)
Splash Potion of Swiftness II Splash Potion of Swiftness II (0-2)
Splash Potion of Swiftness Splash Potion of Swiftness (0-2)
Splash Potion of Water Breathing Splash Potion of Water Breathing (0-2)
Splash Potion of Weakness Splash Potion of Weakness (0-2)


Common Treasure has no known uses in crafting.