Iron Cap

Iron Cap
Iron Cap

Name Iron Cap
Source Mod Thaumcraft 4
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Iron Cap is an item added by the Thaumcraft 4 mod. Provides 110% Vis cost (-10% discount).

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes

Basic Wand Craft
Your first tool

Research aspects in this item


Thaumonomicon Entry

"The casting wand is your most basic, but also your most important tool. It is what you use to craft objects, activate blocks like the crucible, and countless other tasks.

The most basic wand stores a very limited amount of magical energy (called vis) that it uses to perform its tasks. To replenish the energy in a wand, you must right-click and hold to draw vis from an aura node.

While holding a wand you will see an indicator on the top left of the screen that shows how much vis is stored within the wand.

Holding shift will display exact numbers held by the wand and any possible discounts you have to perform magical tasks.

Wands are always constructed by the combination of a rod and two end-caps. As you progress with your studies, you are sure you will discover different materials that you can use to craft rods and caps to make powerful wands. Only the basic wand can be put together in a normal crafting table. All other wands require Arcane Workbench and will cost vis to construct.

The basic wand is constructed from mundane wood and iron, both of which make poor materials for working magic."


GUI Crafting Table.png
Iron Nugget (Thaumcraft 4)
Iron Nugget (Thaumcraft 4)
Iron Nugget (Thaumcraft 4)
Iron Nugget (Thaumcraft 4)
Iron Nugget (Thaumcraft 4)

Iron Cap


Iron Cap can be used to create the following items: