
Mob Pech Forager.png
Name Pech
Health 30 (Heart.png x 15)
Armor 2 (Icon Armor.png)
Damage 6 + extra damage from weapon.
Hostility true
Spawn Magical Forest biome.
Score 5
Drops Mana Bean Mana Bean (0-1)
Gold Coin Gold Coin (0-1)
Rare Drops Wand Focus: Pech's Curse Wand Focus: Pech's Curse (0-1) (from Pech Mage)
Knowledge Fragment (Thaumcraft 4) Knowledge Fragment (Thaumcraft 4) (0-1)
Source Mod Thaumcraft 4
Pech is a mob added by the Thaumcraft 4 mod. Comes in 3 different types: Pech Forager, Pech Stalker and Pech Mage. A materialistic creature that will grab almost any item left on the ground near it, Pech are particularly fond of objects with the
Aspect. Pech are not aggressive unless damaged but otherwise behave like a hostile mob, disappearing if the player moves too far away. Nametags can be used to avoid despawning, and Safari Nets are useful for long term storage. Switching to Peaceful mode will delete any Pech in loaded chunks, named or not. The Pech will trade items with the Player. If given enough items with the
aspect, it may befriend the player, indicated by green stars hovering over the Pech; an animation similar to the one seen when trading with a Villager. At this point, Right-clicking on the Pech will open a GUI. Inserting an item that the Pech finds desirable (any object with
, for example) in the left slot, Click on the die image that appears in the middle, and items may appear in the right slots. The Player is essentially gambling with the Pech. The more desirable the item, the better the items obtained. There does not seem to be any benefit beyond 5
(so trading a Diamond Block would be somewhat a waste). Different types of Pech will give different types of items, for example, a Mage Pech will sometimes give a Wand Focus: Pech's Curse. The Pech mage may drop its wand with the Pech's Curse focus on death, and offers Knowledge Fragments the most often of the three types as trades. A Forager Pech may trade Silverwood Saplings.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes

The Pech
Strange Creatures

Research aspects in this mob


Thaumonomicon Entry

"These strange humanoids can be found wherever the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. They seem drawn to the magical energies that abound in such places.

Don't let their small stature fool you. They have incredible strength and can carry many times their own bodyweight.

Pech are normally not aggressive, but when riled up they will band together and hunt down their attacker. Under normal conditions they avoid people at all costs.

Pechs are notoriously avaricious, and will loot anything not nailed down, though they prefer precious things. It is said that if you feed this desire for material wealth it could be possible to befriend one. Once befriended they often carry wondrous objects that they might be willing to part with.

It should be noted that such 'friendships' seldom last long."


Items Traded with Pech
Pech Forager Greatwood Sapling (Thaumcraft 4) Greatwood Sapling (Thaumcraft 4) • Silverwood Sapling (Thaumcraft 4) Silverwood Sapling (Thaumcraft 4) • Native Tin Cluster Native Tin Cluster • Native Copper Cluster Native Copper Cluster • Native Lead Cluster Native Lead Cluster • Native Iron Cluster Native Iron Cluster • Native Gold Cluster Native Gold Cluster • Native Silver Cluster Native Silver Cluster • Native Cinnabar Cluster Native Cinnabar Cluster • Thaumium Pickaxe (Thaumcraft 4) Thaumium Pickaxe (Thaumcraft 4) • Blaze Rod Blaze Rod • Potion of Night Vision (8:00) Potion of Night Vision (8:00) • Potion of Strength (3:00 or 8:00) Potion of Strength (3:00 or 8:00) • Potion of Swiftness (3:00) Potion of Swiftness (3:00) • Bottle o' Enchanting Bottle o' Enchanting
Pech Mage Haste I Haste I • Treasure I Treasure I • Potency I Potency I • Potion of Regeneration (0:45) or II (0:22) Potion of Regeneration (0:45) or II (0:22) • Potion of Healing (I or II) Potion of Healing (I or II) • Air Shard (Thaumcraft 4) Air Shard (Thaumcraft 4) • Water Shard (Thaumcraft 4) Water Shard (Thaumcraft 4) • Fire Shard (Thaumcraft 4) Fire Shard (Thaumcraft 4) • Earth Shard (Thaumcraft 4) Earth Shard (Thaumcraft 4) • Order Shard Order Shard • Entropy Shard Entropy Shard • Crystal Clusters (any) Crystal Clusters (any) • Wand Focus: Pech's Curse Wand Focus: Pech's Curse • Focus Pouch Focus Pouch
Pech Stalker Infinity I Infinity I • Flame I Flame I • Power I Power I • Bottle o' Enchanting Bottle o' Enchanting • Ghast Tear Ghast Tear • Tallow Candle (any colour) Tallow Candle (any colour) • Potion of Invisibility (8:00) Potion of Invisibility (8:00) • Potion of Strength (3:00) Potion of Strength (3:00) • Potion of Swiftness (3:00) Potion of Swiftness (3:00) • Potion of Regeneration II (0:22) Potion of Regeneration II (0:22) • Thaumium Boots (Thaumcraft 4) Thaumium Boots (Thaumcraft 4)
All Pechs
Dungeon Loot
Any loot which can be found in dungeons Any loot which can be found in dungeons