Lucky Gold Coin

Lucky Gold Coin
Lucky Gold Coin

Name Lucky Gold Coin
Source Mod Thaumcraft 4
ID Name
OreDict Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Lucky Gold Coin is an item added by the Thaumcraft 4 mod. It is a special version of Gold Coin, which holds Fortune I and Looting I. It can be used to create Enchanted Books with any Disenchanter, which can help to obtain these 2 enchantments much easier.

Thaumcraft 4 Research Notes

Witching Wearables
[WG] It's like a magic boutique

Research aspects in this item


Thaumonomicon Entry

"What looks like catalogue pages from a wizarding equipment store actually proved to be arcane shematics for magical garments! All of these are to be equipped in Baubles or Traveller's Gear slots. The default keybinding for the TG inventory is 'Numpad 7'.

Steadfast Spaulders:
These shoulderpads are not designed to be very fashionable, and their protection value is negligable. However, the magic infused into them is able to root you to the floor, so that you shall not waver when stuck by enemy attacks. Grants you 60% knockback resistance.

Berserker's Bracers:
Covered in wolven fur, these vambraces wont hold off blades. But by the magic infused into them, they grant the user the ferociousness of a wolf. Also, they are incredibly fluffy.

Increases your attack damage by 2 points.

Vambraces of Steady Progression:
These vambraces, designed by dwarven thaumaturgists, are designed to grant you the ability of digging a hole at a steady pace without interruption. To achieve that, they react dynamically to the working conditions, increasing the user's dig speed while sumberged in water, flying in the air, or when confronted with highly resilient materials.

They also increase the speed at which you climb ladders, for when you eventually need to outrun the thing you woke in the dark below.

Seraph's Shoulders:
Flying is an ability many wish for. It is quite an advanced form of magic that allows users to fly, but a small jump in the air is within your possibilities.

These shoulders spawn some powerful magical wings, which allow you to perform a second jump in midair.

Ring of the Sniper:
Some creatures of the dark are jsut too strong to face in melee combat, so taking them out from the distance seems more adviseable. With the ring of the Sniper, this task is made much easier.

As long as you wear the ring, you will be able to move quicker while drawing a bow. Sneaking with an arrow knocked will allow you to focus on target is in the distance.

Ring of the Covetous Coin:
It's great to be lucky! But one can never have enough luck. You've devised a way to boost your own luck, by socketing a golden coin in a ring and loading it with magic.

Wearing the ring will increase your fortune and looting by two levels.

The enchanted books used to make the coin can carry any enchantment."


GUI Arcane Worktable.png
Enchanted Book
Gold Coin
Enchanted Book
Gold Coin
Gold Coin
Gold Coin
Enchanted Book
Gold Coin
Enchanted Book
Gold Coin

The resulting coin will be Lucky Gold Coin


Lucky Gold Coin can be used to create the following items: