Tutorial:Getting Started With GregTech 5

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Welcome to the tutorial for GregTech 5 mod. This tutorial is based on the last version of GregTech 5 Unofficial for Minecraft 1.7.10, so it may be different from the versions included in modpacks or from GregTech 4 and GregTech 6.

Better With Mods

If you are playing GregTech in your private modpack, you may want to install these mods:

Iron Chests, for extra chest capacity.

Applied Energistics 2, for storage much better that Iron Chests.

Not Enough Items and NEI Addons, to show new recipes.

Forestry, to produce GregTech exclusive resource combs.

Thaumcraft 4, for EU generators that work on Essentia.

Thermal Foundation, for some new materials.

Galacticraft, as ores also spawn on the other planets.

Twilight Forest, for a new dimension and equipment.

Avaritia, for strong endgame equipment, not accesible until you reach the MAX tier of electricity.

Any minimap mod, to keep track of locations you discovered.

Stone Age... or Flint Age?

Now, the first difference you've already seen when you started a new world is that your tools are breaking very quick. Thats because GregTech introduces its own system of tools, also making vanilla and modded tools very weak. And the first material you will use is Flint. The tools from it are crafted just like vanilla, and are enchanted with Fire Aspect I, which is useful when killing animals for food. So go search for some Gravel! Using Scoop to mine it has larger chance of dropping Flint. While Flint tools have more durability than Stone, they are slower, so it might be good to craft some Stone tools, too.

The second difference: ores are spawning in a large groups. That's another system GregTech introduces, large ore veins. Ores now spawn in large groups, with different ores mixed. However, it may be hard to find one, so there are also Small Ores, which drop dusts or gems. Small Ores aren't spawning in groups, only one can spawn in small vein.

And finally the third difference: many items has changed their crafting recipes. You can view them in NEI or in their page in the wiki.

The beginning is same as always: Chop some wood, create a Crafting Table, craft some tools and a Furnace, build a shelter. May be nice to also build a small farm with animals (Sheeps are important since you will need Wool, Strings and Carpets) and plants growing on Crops.


Let's talk about tools you can craft. As I said, you can craft them from Flint only (for now). Tools include: Sword, Pickaxe, Shovel, Axe, Hoe. These are the equivalent to vanilla tools and crafted same as them. There are also some new tools:

  • Soft Mallet, which can be crafted from wood and other soft materials. It can be used to activate and deactivate machines
  • Mortar, which is used to pulverize metals into dusts without Pulverizer
  • Scoop, which can be used same as Scoop from Forestry and to sift Flint from Gravel
  • Knife, which can be used to create Rings from soft materials (Paper and Rubber), create Bowls and slice certain food products;
GUI Crafting Table.png
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks

Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks
Wood Planks

Soft Mallet
GUI Crafting Table.png

Mortar (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Wood Planks
Wood Planks


Scoop (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png


Knife (GregTech 5)

Now that you've aquired some basic tools, it might be good to go mine some Iron, Copper, Tin and Redstone.

Farming & Cooking

GregTech expands IndustrialCraft2 plant breeding system, adding more plants. Most of them are common resources plants, but some can be used for other purposes. For example, Coppon Fiber can be used to create Orange Wool, and Tea Leaf can be used to create tea. Some of them are just real life cultures, like Tomato. So it might be good to build you base near some water.

There's many food items added by GregTech. You can find more info on the food items' pages. Let's talk about how to craft Bread and some other basics.

Pulverize Wheat into Flour in Macerator or Mortar, and then mix it with water to create Dough. Dough then can be turned into Baguette, Bun or Bread shape, or mixed with Sugar or Cocoa for Sugary or Chocolate Dough respectively.

You can slice bread, vegetables and cheese with a knife, create Pizza, Burgers, etc.

GUI Crafting Table.png
Mortar (GregTech 5)

Flour (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Water Bucket (Minecraft)
Flour (GregTech 5)
Flour (GregTech 5)

Dough (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Dough (GregTech 5)
Dough (GregTech 5)

Dough (Bread)
GUI Furnace.png
Dough (Bread)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Knife (GregTech 5)

Sliced Bread
GUI Crafting Table.png
Knife (GregTech 5)
Tomato (GregTech 5)
Tomato (GregTech 5)

Tomato Slice

Bronze Age

As I said, you can pulverize metals in a mortar. Pulverize some Copper and Tin and mix their dusts in a crafting table to obtain Bronze Dust. We will use this bronze for your first machines and tools.

Advanced Tools

Now that you have some Bronze and Iron you can create some advanced tools

  • Saw, which can be used to obtain more planks from wood
  • Hammer, which can be used to crush ores and for prospecting
  • Wrench, used to dismantle machines
  • File, used in crafting
  • Crowbar, used to dismantle Covers and rotate Rails
  • Screwdriver, used in crafting
  • Wire Cutter
  • Branch Cutter
  • Universal Spade, which works as a weapon, shovel, crowbar and saw
  • Butchery Knife, always enchanted with Looting (Level depends on material level)
  • Sense, used to harvest Crop Sticks
  • Plow, used to get rid of the Snow
  • Plunger, clears items from pipes, 1 bucket of fluid from tanks and Thaumcraft 4 Essentia from containers or tubes
  • and Rolling Pin, used to create Flattened Dough.

Tools from different materials require different rods to create, you can view the recipes in NEI or on this wiki.

Tools from metals are created differently from Flint tools, Beryllium tools are shown as an example, other metals also can be used:

GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)

File (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Sword Blade
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Sword Blade

Sword (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Ingot
Beryllium Ingot
File (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Pickaxe Head

GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Pickaxe Head

Pickaxe (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
File (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Shovel Head
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Shovel Head

Shovel (GregTech 5)

GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Ingot
Hammer (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)

File (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Axe Head
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Axe Head

Axe (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Ingot
Hammer (GregTech 5)
File (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Hoe Head

GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Hoe Head

Hoe (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)

File (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Saw Blade
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Saw Blade

Saw (GregTech 5)

GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Ingot
Beryllium Ingot

Beryllium Ingot
Beryllium Ingot
Beryllium Ingot
Beryllium Ingot

Hammer (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Ingot
Beryllium Ingot

Beryllium Ingot
Beryllium Ingot
Hammer (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Ingot
Beryllium Ingot

Beryllium Hammer Head
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Hammer Head

Hammer (GregTech 5)

GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Ingot
Hammer (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Ingot
Beryllium Ingot
Beryllium Ingot
Beryllium Ingot

Beryllium Ingot

Wrench (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)


File (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Hammer (GregTech 5)
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
File (GregTech 5)
Crowbar (GregTech 5)

GUI Crafting Table.png
File (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)

Screwdriver (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
File (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Screwdriver (GregTech 5)
Screwdriver (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Screw (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Wire Cutter (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Wire Cutter (GregTech 5)
Wire Cutter (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)
Scoop (GregTech 5)

GUI Crafting Table.png
File (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Shovel Head

Beryllium Universal Spade Head
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Universal Spade Head
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Screw (GregTech 5)
Screwdriver (GregTech 5)
Screwdriver (GregTech 5)

Universal Spade
GUI Crafting Table.png
File (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)

Knife (GregTech 5)

GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
File (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)

Butchery Knife
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Ingot
Hammer (GregTech 5)
File (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Sense Blade
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Sense Blade


GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)

Hammer (GregTech 5)
File (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Plow Head
GUI Crafting Table.png
Beryllium Plow Head

GUI Crafting Table.png
Wire Cutter (GregTech 5)
Wire Cutter (GregTech 5)
Rubber Sheet (GregTech 5)
Rubber Sheet (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Rubber Sheet (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
File (GregTech 5)
Plunger (GregTech 5)

GUI Crafting Table.png
Wire Cutter (GregTech 5)
Wire Cutter (GregTech 5)
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Sheet
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Sheet

Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber Sheet
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
File (GregTech 5)
Plunger (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Wire Cutter (GregTech 5)
Wire Cutter (GregTech 5)
Silicone Rubber Sheet
Silicone Rubber Sheet

Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Silicone Rubber Sheet
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
File (GregTech 5)
Plunger (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png

Wood Planks
Wood Planks

File (GregTech 5)
Rolling Pin

Here are the materials you can currently use for tools. All of them require Stick as a tool rod:

  • Flint, the most basic material, has really low durability but is enchanted with Fire Aspect I, so animals killed with a Flint Sword drop cooked meat, however, it may be better to use Butchery Knife from any metal, since it is enchanted with Looting II.
  • Brass, has low durability, can only mine same blocks as Flint and is rather hard to produce, so it's not recommended. Tools made from it are enchanted with Sharpness II.
  • Bronze, easy to produce, requiring Copper and Tin, but has low durability. Tools made from it are enchanted with Sharpness I.
  • Iron, has higher durability that Bronze. Tools made from it are enchanted with Sharpness I, just like Bronze.
  • Wrought Iron, can be obtained by smelting Iron Nuggets in a Furnace. Has higher durability than Iron and is enchanted with Sharpness II, being one of the best materials for a beginner.
  • Nickel, has really low durability, not recommended. Tools made from it are enchanted with Bane of Anthropods II.
  • Invar, has same durability as Iron. Tools made from it are enchanted with Bane of Anthropods III, so Invar weapons are useful in places with a lot of insects, like The Erebus dimension.

With new tools, you can create new materials forms: plates, rods, etc.

GUI Crafting Table.png
Hammer (GregTech 5)

Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot

Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot

Gold  Plate (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Hammer (GregTech 5)
Gold Plate (GregTech 5)
Gold Plate (GregTech 5)

Gold Foil
GUI Crafting Table.png
Gold Foil
Wire Cutter (GregTech 5)
Wire Cutter (GregTech 5)

Fine Gold Wire
GUI Crafting Table.png
File (GregTech 5)

Gold Ingot
Gold Ingot

Gold Rod (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Saw (GregTech 5)
Saw (GregTech 5)

Gold Rod (GregTech 5)

Gold Bolt (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
File (GregTech 5)
Gold Bolt (GregTech 5)

Gold Bolt (GregTech 5)

Gold Screw (GregTech 5)

Now, you'll have to mine some diamonds for the machines. Not the mid-game machines, a simple Macerator needs 2 Diamonds to craft. However, Diamond Ore requires lvl 3 Pickaxe to mine. And Diamond is a lvl 3 Material. What to do, you ask? It's simple: you need Cobalt, from which you will create your first tools. Cobalt can be obtained from the Cobaltite Ore, which spawns in Nickel ore mix. Diamond can be found very deep undeground in Carbon ore mix (Coal Ore and Graphite Ore are common in it).

If you have other mods installed, you can craft lvl 3 tools from Thaumium (added by Thaumcraft 4) or Oureclase (added by Metallurgy 4). Tools created from Thaumium are enchanted with Looting II or Fortune II.

First Steam

What, you thought we will use electricity? No, circuits require processed materials to create. And for that we will need some machines. And for machines we will use Steam. Steam machines can be created from Bronze (Lower Tier) or Steel (Higher Tier), but steel requires a lot of bronze for the Blast Furnace and takes a long time to be produced. Recipes below will only show how Small (Bronze) Machines are crafted, but keep in mind that High Pressure (Steel) machines are crafted the same way but every Bronze item be replaced with Steel one (f.e. Small Bronze Fluid Pipe with Small Steel Fluid Pipe).

Note that there is no High Pressure version of Solar Boiler and no Small version of Lava Boiler.

GUI Crafting Table.png
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Hull
GUI Crafting Table.png
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bricked Bronze Hull
GUI Crafting Table.png
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Bronze Plate (GregTech 5)
Small Coal Boiler (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Bricked Bronze Hull
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Steam Furnace (GregTech 5)
GUI Crafting Table.png
Silver Plate (GregTech 5)
Silver Plate (GregTech 5)
Silver Plate (GregTech 5)
Silver Plate (GregTech 5)
Silver Plate (GregTech 5)
Silver Plate (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Bricked Bronze Hull
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Simple Solar Boiler
GUI Crafting Table.png
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Bronze Hull
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Steam Macerator
GUI Crafting Table.png
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Bronze Hull
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Steam Extractor
GUI Crafting Table.png
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Bronze Hull
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Steam Forge Hammer
GUI Crafting Table.png
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Bronze Hull
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Steam Alloy Smelter
GUI Crafting Table.png
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Bronze Hull
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Small Bronze Fluid Pipe (GregTech 5)
Steam Alloy Smelter
GUI Crafting Table.png
Steel Plate (GregTech 5)
Steel Plate (GregTech 5)
Steel Plate (GregTech 5)
Steel Plate (GregTech 5)
Steel Plate (GregTech 5)
Steel Plate (GregTech 5)
Steel Plate (GregTech 5)
Steel Plate (GregTech 5)
Bricked Steel Hull
Steel Plate (GregTech 5)
Steel Plate (GregTech 5)
High Pressure Lava Boiler

Putting Water into an empty, fully heated boiler will create an explosion, destroying your machines!

Using these machines, you can create your first circuits.