HSS-E (GregTech 5 Material)
HSS-E is a material added by GregTech 5 mod.
HSS-E is a ZPM-tier material, it is required for all of the machines of this tier. It ca be aquired earlier to be used on tools, which are the best set of tools for midgame. Massive durability, default Sharpness V enchantment, high mining speed and attack damage leave all other alternatives way behind. The only material able to compete is HSS-S, but it requires precious Osmium which is in most cases too rare to be wasted on tools.
Material Forms
In GregTech 5 HSS-E comes in these forms:
Obtaining Material
This material is only obtained by crafting together HSS-G Dust,
Cobalt Dust,
Manganese Dust and
Silicon Dust in 6:1:1:1 proportion.
Material Properties
- Material: HSS-E
- Durability: 512,000
- lvl: 4
- Attack Damage: 8 (
- Mining Speed: 10
- Enchantment: Sharpness V
- Turbine Efficiency: 90
- Optimal Gas flow: 500 EU/t