Knife (GregTech 5)



Name Knife
Source Mod GregTech 5
ID Name
OreDict Names
Type Item
Stackable No

Knife is an item added by the GregTech 5 mod. It is a Meta Tool. It can be crafted from Plate and Rod of the desired material. It is used in several crafting recipes.

Knife has halved mining speed. It deals 2 damage less than a Sword, which is still good enough to use it as a weapon.


Parameters of the knife depend on the parameters of the material of the Plate and Rod. The following table consists of the parameters of all possible knives. Any header can be clicked in order to sort the template by this property value. The desired material can then be found in the navigation box below.

Material Material Level Durability Mining Speed Attack Damage Enchantment
Aer 3 6400 4 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Knockback II
Aluminium 2 12800 5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Amber 2 12800 2 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Silk Touch I
Amethyst 3 25600 3.5 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Aqua 3 6400 4 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Fortune III, Looting III
Beryllium 2 6400 7 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Bismuth 1 6400 3 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Bane of Arthropods IV
Bismuth Bronze 2 25600 4 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Bane of Arthropods V
Black Bronze 2 25600 6 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Smite II
Black Granite 3 6400 2 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Black Steel 2 76800 3.25 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness IV
Blaze 1 1600 1 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Fire Aspect III
Blue Steel 2 102400 3.75 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness V
Blue Topaz 3 25600 3.5 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Brass 1 9600 3.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Sharpness II
Bronze 2 19200 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness I
Carbon 2 6400 0.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Certus Quartz 1 3200 2.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Chrome 3 25600 5.5 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Cobalt 3 51200 4 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Cobalt Brass 2 25600 4 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Cupronickel 1 6400 3 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Damascus Steel 2 128000 4 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness V
Diamond 3 128000 4 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Duranium 5 512000 8 7 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Electrum 2 6400 6 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Disjunction III
Emerald 2 25600 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Enriched Naquadah 4 128000 3 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png) Radioactivity IV
Epoxy Resin 1 3200 1.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Fiber-Reinforced Epoxy Resin 1 6400 1.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Flint 1 6400 1.25 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Fire Aspect I
Gold 2 6400 6 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Smite III
Green Sapphire 2 25600 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
HSS-E 4 512000 5 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness V
HSS-G 3 400000 5 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Sharpness IV
HSS-S 4 300000 7 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness V
Ignis 3 6400 4 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Fire Aspect III
Invar 2 25600 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Bane of Arthropods III
Iridium 3 256000 3 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Iron 2 25600 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness I
Kanthal 2 6400 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Lead 1 6400 4 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Bane of Arthropods II
Magnalium 2 25600 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Magnetic Iron 2 25600 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Magnetic Neodymium 2 51200 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Magnetic Steel 2 51200 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Manganese 2 51200 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Mithril 3 6400 7 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Fortune III/Looting III
Molybdenum 2 51200 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Naquadah 4 128000 3 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png)
Naquadah Alloy 5 512000 4 7 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Naquadria 4 51200 0.5 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png) Radioactivity V
Neodymium 2 51200 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Nether Quartz 1 3200 0.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Nether Star 4 512000 0.5 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png) Silk Touch I
Neutronium 6 65536000 12 8 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png)
Nichrome 2 6200 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Nickel 2 6400 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Bane of Arthropods II
Nickel-Zinc Ferrite 0 3200 1.5 2 (Heart.png)
Olivine 2 25600 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Opal 2 2560000000 3.5 Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character ",".
Ordo 3 6400 4 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Silk Touch I
Osmiridium 3 160000 3.5 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Osmium 4 128000 8 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png)
Palladium 2 51200 4 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Perditio 4 6400 16 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness V
Pig Iron 2 38400 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Platinum 2 6400 6 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Smite V
Plutonium 239 3 51200 3 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Radioactivity I
Plutonium 241 3 51200 3 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Radioactivity III
Polycaprolactam 1 3200 1.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Polyethylene 1 3200 1.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Knockback 1
Polyphenylene Sulfide 1 3200 1.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Polystyrene 1 3200 1.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Knockback I
Polytetrafluoroethylene 1 3200 1.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Polyvinyl Chloride 1 3200 1.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png) Knockback I
Red Garnet 2 12800 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Red Granite 3 6400 2 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Red Steel 2 89600 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness IV
Rose Gold 2 12800 2 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Smite IV
Rubber 0 1600 0.75 2 (Heart.png) Knockback II
Ruby 2 25600 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Sapphire 2 25600 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Sealed Wood 0 2400 1.5 2 (Heart.png)
Silicone Rubber 1 12800 1.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Silver 2 6400 5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Disjunction II
Stainless Steel 2 48000 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness III
Steel 2 51200 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness II
Sterling Silver 2 12800 6.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Disjunction IV
Styrene-Butadiene Rubber 1 12800 1.5 3 (Heart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Tanzanite 2 25600 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Terra 3 25600 4 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Bane of Arthropods V
Thaumium 3 25600 6 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Fortune II, Looting II
Thorium 2 51200 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Tin Alloy 2 9600 3.25 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)
Titanium 3 160000 3.5 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Topaz 3 25600 3.5 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Tritanium 6 1024000 10 8 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png)
Tungsten 3 256000 3.5 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Tungstencarbide 4 128000 7 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness V
Tungstensteel 4 256000 4 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png)
Ultimet 4 204800 4.5 6 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHeart.png)
Uranium 235 3 51200 3 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png) Radioactivity II
Uranium 238 3 51200 3 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Vanadiumsteel 3 192000 1.5 5 (Heart.pngHeart.pngHalf Heart.png)
Wood 0 1600 1 2 (Heart.png)
Wrought Iron 2 38400 3 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png) Sharpness II
Yellow Garnet 2 12800 3.5 4 (Heart.pngHeart.png)


GUI Crafting Table.png
File (GregTech 5)
File (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)
Hammer (GregTech 5)

Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)
Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5)

Knife (GregTech 5)

The Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5) Beryllium Plate (GregTech 5) can be substituted with any other Plate.

The Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5) Beryllium Rod (GregTech 5) can be substituted with any other Rod.

Note: The plate and the rod need to be of the same material.


Knife (GregTech 5) can be used to create the following items: