Drain (GregTech 5)



Name Drain
Source Mod GregTech 5
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)

Drain is an item added by the GregTech 5 mod. It can be right-clicked with on any side of the machine except the front side. If this side of the machine touches the source block of any fluid, this block will be removed, and the internal fluid buffer of the machine will be filled with 1000 mb of this fluid. This will not happen, if there is not enough space in the fluid buffer, it is filled with other fluid or it is abcent in the machine. The machine will also collect 4mb of Water every 3 seconds during rain when this module is placed on the top side of the machine and there is nothing which obstructs the sky.

Cover Modes

Cover modes can be changed by right-clicking this cover with Screwdriver or Electric Screwdriver. Right-clicking will set the cover in the next mode (below the current one in the list), pressing Shift while right-clicking will set the cover to the previous mode (above the current one in the list). If the mode is changed while there is source fluid block touching this side of the machine, this fluid will be destroyed.

  • Import - the default mode. Will try to consume the source fluid block touching the side the module is attached to.
  • Import (conditional) - similar to the previous mode, will only work if machine is working (not disabled by Machine Controller or Soft Mallet).
  • Import (invert cond) - similar to the previous mode, will only work if machine is not working (disabled by Machine Controller or Soft Mallet).
  • Keep Liquids Away - will stop the spread of the fluid that touches this side of the machine to adjacent blocks. Works with both source blocks and flowing fluid.
  • Keep Liquids Away (conditional) - similar to the previous mode, will only work if machine is working (not disabled by Machine Controller or Soft Mallet).
  • Keep Liquids Away (invert cond) - similar to the previous mode, will only work if machine is not working (disabled by Machine Controller or Soft Mallet).


GUI Assembling Machine GT5.png
Iron Plate (GregTech 5)
Iron Bars

Drain (GregTech 5)
12800 EU
16 EU/t
16 EU
40 secs

Iron Plate Iron Plate can be substituted with the following items: Aluminium Plate Aluminium Plate, Wrought Iron Plate Wrought Iron Plate.


Drain (GregTech 5) has no known uses in crafting.