Indium Gallium Phosphide (GregTech 5 Material)

Indium Gallium Phosphide is a material added by GregTech 5 mod.

Indium Gallium Phosphide is a UV-tier material, it is required to create HPIC Wafer HPIC Wafer. It can also be used to create QBit Wafer QBit Wafer, but it is not recommended as there is a cheaper alternative.

Material Forms

In GregTech 5 Indium Gallium Phosphide comes in these forms:

GUI Material Tree GT5.png
Indium Gallium Phosphide

Indium Gallium Phosphide Dust
Small Pile of Indium Gallium Phosphide Dust
Tiny Pile of Indium Gallium Phosphide Dust
Indium Gallium Phosphide Ingot
Indium Gallium Phosphide Nugget
Indium Gallium Phosphide Plate
Molten Indium Gallium Phosphide

Obtaining Material

This material is only obtained by crafting together Indium Dust Indium Dust, Gallium Dust Gallium Dust and Phosphor Dust Phosphor Dust in 1:1:1 proportion.