Sigil of the Phantom Bridge

Sigil of the Phantom Bridge
Sigil of the Phantom Bridge

Name Sigil of the Phantom Bridge
Source Mod Blood Magic
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

The Sigil of the Phantom Bridge is an item added by the Blood Magic mod. When active, this Sigil creates a 5×5 platform of Spectral Block centered at the Player [1]. Spectral Blocks outside of the platform will vanish after 5 seconds. These blocks can be broken instantly with a hit and 'Right-clicking' on one with another block will replace the Spectral Block. This can be used to build in mid-air. Crouching will create a layer below you.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Imbued Slate
Soul Sand
Magician's Blood Orb
Soul Sand
Sigil of the Phantom Bridge

Magician's Blood Orb Magician's Blood Orb can be substituted with the following items: Master Blood Orb Master Blood Orb, Archmage's Blood Orb Archmage's Blood Orb, Transcendent Blood Orb Transcendent Blood Orb, Eldritch Blood Orb Eldritch Blood Orb.

Activation Cost

Activating this Sigil costs 100 LP every 10 seconds while active, plus 1 LP per block created, until deactivated.

Bound Armor Ability

When socketed into Bound Armor, the Sigil of the Phantom Bridge creates a 5×5 platform of Spectral Block at the Player's feet.


Sigil of the Phantom Bridge has no known uses in crafting.


  1. Jump up This Sigil does not create Spectral Blocks while the player is jumping or falling, unless the player is sneaking. Sneaking while standing on a platform will spawn a new platform one block lower. This can be used to descend safely. Combining a Sigil of the Phantom Bridge with an Air Sigil provides the user an alternative to more traditional flight mechanics.