
The process of mixing and transmuting items, also known as "Alchemy". While transmuting items in the Blood Altar is a type of alchemy, the alchemy described here is called Blood alchemy and is performed with an Alchemic Chemistry Set. Blood alchemy can transmute and mix items together, and create refillable multi-use potions which are vastly better then their vanilla counterparts; capable of reaching enormous durations and extreme potencies.

Potion Brewing Requirements

Blood alchemy requires an Alchemic Chemistry Set, which has several slots. The lower-right slot is where a blood orb needs to be placed for recipes that require blood as a catalyst (some recipes need certain orbs or higher), the center slot is the output, and the five slots around it are the ingredient slots.

Potion brewing requires the player go acquire a Potion Flask, which you can get either through dungeon loot or by creating it by transmuting a glass bottle in a 2nd tier altar. This flask has 8 total uses - if your potion is empty, you can refill it by placing it in the alchemic chemistry set with a Weak Filling Agent. Alternatively, you can completely reset the flask, erasing its effects and restoring its uses by placing it in the crafting grid and adding netherwart, redstone, and glowstone.

To start with the potion brewing, you need a potion flask, as well as a Weak Binding Agent and an active ingredient. The active ingredient is the most important part of the potion because it determines what effect the potion will have. Potions could have a wide variety of effects, each of which corresponds to a particular ingredient. If you're already familiar with ordinary potion brewing, some of the ingredients will be easy to determine, but others may need a bit of thinking about. Tinker around a bit by using different items until you find one that gives a good effect! Here are a few ingredients, to point you in the right direction.

Blaze Powder
Magma Cream
Glass Bottle

See Potion Flask for a list of active ingredients.

Creating Potions

When you place a binding agent, potion flask, and active ingredient in the alchemic chemistry set, it will start mixing the concoctions together and the effect will be added to the potion. You can even add additional effects to potions that already have one just by putting the flask back in with another binding agent and active ingredient. In fact, you could theoretically add EVERY single potion effect to one potion flask. Theoretically. Unfortunately, the different binding agents have different success rates of the potion actually being brewed. For example, Standard Binding Agent works 100% for the first effect, but only 65% if you try to add a second effect, 42% for the 3rd, etc. If it fails... the flask will blow up.

Enhancing Potions

That is not all. By finding (or creating, see next section) a special catalyst, you can increase the effectiveness of the potions' various effects. A power catalyst will increase the concentration of the potion (shortening the duration in the process), and the lengthening catalyst will increase the duration of the potion vastly. To use these, place the flask, the catalyst, and the active ingredient whose effect you want to enhance in the alchemic chemistry set. (You can't enhance effects that aren't already on the potion). There is no chance to blow up at this point, although it may change in the future.

Like the flask, these catalysts (and binding agents) can be found through dungeon loot.

New Recipes

The alchemic chemistry set also offers a wide variety of new and alternative recipes for vanilla minecraft resources, including obsidian, string, sand, grass, and ice.


The creation of various Reagents is at the cornerstone of alchemy. Without the proper knowledge when brewing reagents, you could end up with a big ol' pile of slop. Thankfully, it isn't all bad!

Since there will be so many alchemy reagents that it would be impossible to catalogue them all by pictures, I will contain them all in the table below. It will feature the output and the five (max) inputs needed. Do note that they all need blood orbs to operate. If you have the correct recipe, yet nothing is happening, try getting a stronger orb...


Output Input1 Input2 Input3 Input4 Input5
Weak Binding Agent Simple Catalyst Simple Catalyst Clay
Standard Binding Agent Weak Binding Agent Crystallos Sanctus
Simple Catalyst Sugar Redstone Redstone Glowstone Gunpowder
Incendium Lava Bucket Blaze Powder Blaze Powder Netherrack Simple Catalyst
Aether Feather Feather Glowstone Ghast Tear Simple Catalyst
Sanctus Glowstone Gold Nugget Glowstone Glass Block Simple Catalyst
Crepitous Gunpowder Gunpowder Cobblestone Cobblestone Simple Catalyst
Crystallos Ice Ice Snow Block Snow Block Simple Catalyst
Terrae Dirt Sand Obsidian Obsidian Simple Catalyst
Aquasalus Ink Sac Water Bottle Water Bottle Water Bottle Simple Catalyst
Tenebrae Coal Coal Clay Obsidian Simple Catalyst
Magicales Redstone Gunpowder Glowstone Glowstone Simple Catalyst
Mundane Power Catalyst Glowstone Glowstone Glowstone Weak Binding Agent Simple Catalyst
Mundane Lengthening Catalyst Redstone Redstone Redstone Weak Binding Agent Simple Catalyst
Average Power Catalyst Mundane Power Catalyst Mundane Power Catalyst Standard Binding Agent
Average Lengthening Catalyst Mundane Lengthening Catalyst Mundane Lengthening Catalyst Standard Binding Agent
Greater Power Catalyst Average Power Catalyst Average Power Catalyst Incendium
Greater Lengthening Catalyst Average Lengthening Catalyst Average Lengthening Catalyst Aquasalus
Weak Filling Agent Simple Catalyst Nether Wart Redstone Glowstone
Standard Filling Agent Weak Filling Agent Terrae
Enhanced Filling Agent Standard Filling Agent Aquasalus Magicales