Ritual Diviner

Ritual Diviner
Ritual Diviner

Name Ritual Diviner
Tooltip Used to explore new types of rituals
Ritual tuned to face: NORTH
Source Mod Blood Magic
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

The Ritual Diviner is an item added by the Blood Magic mod.

A tool to help with the construction of Rituals. Holding shift and right-clicking while holding it will cycle through the available rituals. The tooltip will display the number and type of Ritual Stones required to build the selected ritual. Right-clicking on a Master Ritual Stone with it will place and ink the ritual stones needed for the ritual. Placing a stone will use Life Essence, a ritual stone from the user's inventory and will cause the diviner to animate and emit green particles. The ritual diviner will not replace existing blocks. If it tries and fails to place a stone it will animate but will not emit any particles. The mage will need to clear out the obstruction for placement to continue. Snow, tall grass, and torches are common, yet easily overlooked, obstructions. There are 3 tiers of Diviner, tier 1 places elemental runes, tier 2 can place a dusk runes and tier 3 can place a dawn rune. There is a tooltip that indicates the tier of a diviner. Attempting to build a ritual that requires dusk runes with the diviner that can't place them will cause it to act as if the ritual is complete when it is not.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Elemental Inscription Tool: Air
Elemental Inscription Tool: Water
Elemental Inscription Tool: Fire
Elemental Inscription Tool: Earth
Ritual Diviner

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode

GUI Crafting Table.png
Mana Diamond
Elemental Inscription Tool: Air
Mana Diamond
Elemental Inscription Tool: Water
Ritual Chalk
Elemental Inscription Tool: Fire
Mana Diamond
Elemental Inscription Tool: Earth
Mana Diamond
Ritual Diviner


GUI Crafting Table.png
Elemental Inscription Tool: Dusk

Demonic Slate
Ritual Diviner
Demonic Slate

Elemental Inscription Tool: Dusk

Ritual Diviner


GUI Crafting Table.png
Elemental Inscription Tool: Dawn

Ethereal Slate
Ritual Diviner
Ethereal Slate

Elemental Inscription Tool: Dawn

Ritual Diviner

Ritual Dismantler

Used to instantly take apart rituals, use on Master Ritual Stone to receive all the Ritual Stones.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Redstone Torch
Redstone Torch

Ritual Diviner

Ritual Dismantler


Ritual Diviner can be used to create the following items:
  • Ritual Diviner Ritual Diviner