Weak Blood Orb

Weak Blood Orb
Weak Blood Orb

Name Weak Blood Orb
Source Mod Blood Magic
ID Name
Type Blood Orb
Stackable No

The Weak Blood Orb is an item from Blood Magic, that is used to charge a player's Soul Network, tame Demons, and in various crafting recipes. It is the first tier Blood Orb. As with all blood orbs, the Weak Blood Orb must be bound to a player by right clicking before it can be used. After being bound, using the orb will damage the player for 1 heart and add 200 LP to the player's network, up to a maximum of 5,000 LP.

It is also possible to automatically fill the player's network with a blood orb by placing it into a Blood Altar. This process will take the same amount of hearts from the player for the given LP, but will work while not being held by the player. When a blood orb is being filled in an Altar, light-red particles will be emitted by the Altar.


GUI Blood Altar.png
Weak Blood Orb

Tier: 1

LP: 2,000

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode[edit]

GUI Blood Altar.png
Mana Diamond
Weak Blood Orb

Tier: 1

LP: 2,000


Weak Blood Orb can be used to create the following items: