Potion Flask (Blood Magic)

Potion Flask (Blood Magic)
Potion Flask (Blood Magic)

Name Potion Flask (Blood Magic)
Source Mod Blood Magic
ID Name
Type Item
Stackable No

The Potion Flask is used to create Blood Magic potions in the Alchemic Chemistry Set. They can be found in dungeons or crafted. Each Flask starts with eight uses.


GUI Blood Altar.png
Glass Bottle
Potion Flask
LP: 2,000


List of reagents

Different types of potions are crafted by combining Potion Flasks and Weak Binding Agents/Standard Binding Agents and different ingredients in the Alchemic Chemistry Set.

Ingredient Effect Remark
Ghast Tear Regeneration
Golden Carrot Night Vision
Magma Cream Fire Resistance
Water Bucket Water Breathing
Sugar Speed
Glistering Melon Instant Health
Spider Eye Poison Useful as splash
Ink Sac Blindness Useful as splash
Fermented Spider Eye Weakness Useful as splash
Blaze Powder Strength
Aether Jump Boost
Clay Slowness Useful as splash
Redstone Dust Haste
Water Bottle Drowning Useful as splash
Glass Bottle Invisibility
Diamond Resistance
Poisonous Potato Saturation
Demon Blood Shard Health Boost
Tainted Blood Shard (Forbidden Magic) Blood Seal seal the LP network preventing any LP gain, useful as spash.
Weak Blood Shard Absorption
Terrae Boost Increases jump height and enable walk one block high
Feather Flight Provides creative mode flight
Arrow Reciprocation Reflect damage to the entities that damage you regardless all armor protection (for player and entities).
Ender Pearl Planar Binding Stops most forms of teleportation.
Soul Sand Soul Fray Reduce network LP intake by 90%.
Runic Plate Soul Harden Reduces damage taken while bound armor is equipped. Increases bound armor protection from 90% of damage to 100% for its duration.
Slimeball Deafening Disable sound
Blank Slate Splash Turns into a splash potion instead of acting on the player (useful for slowness potion and weakness potion).

Adding effects

To add effect you need to take one reagent from the previous list, a potion flask and binding agent: weak or standard. Several effects can be added to a potion, but the more effects a potion has the less chance of success. And in case of failure, the potion will explode. Weak Binding Agent differs from the Standard one in that it has less chance of success in creating potions with a multitude of effects. Chances of success are calculated by the formulas: 0,4^X (Weak Binding Agent) and 0,65^X (Standard Binding Agent). Where X is the number of effects in the potion before adding a new one.

This is an example recipe. You can use another reagent instead Blaze Powder. See the available reagents in the previous list.

Recipe Note
GUI Alchemic Chemistry Set.png
Potion Flask
Blaze Powder
Weak Binding Agent

Potion Flask - Strength I (2:00)

Blaze Powder add effect Strength I (2:00).
The chance to successfully addition new effect depends on the number of effects that the potion already has.
0->1 - 100%
1->2 - 40%
2->3 - 16%
3->4 - 6,4%...
In case of failure, Potion Flask will explode.
GUI Alchemic Chemistry Set.png
Potion Flask
Blaze Powder
Standard Binding Agent

Potion Flask - Strength I (2:00)

Blaze Powder adds effect Strength I (2:00).
The chance to successfully addition new effect depends on the number of effects that the potion already has.
0->1 - 100%
1->2 - 65%
2->3 - 42,25%
3->4 - 27,46%...
In case of failure, Potion Flask will explode.
GUI Alchemic Chemistry Set.png
Potion Flask
Blank Slate

Potion Flask - Splash

Blank Slate adds Splash effect.

Power up effects

The current effects of the potion can be power up by сatalyst. Power catalysts: Mundane, Average, Greater give 2, 3 and 4 levels of effects, but decreases its duration. Lengthening catalysts: Mundane, Average, Greater increases the potion's duration.

This is an example recipe. You can use another reagent instead Blaze Powder. See the available reagents in the previous list.

Recipe Note
GUI Alchemic Chemistry Set.png
Potion Flask - Strength I (2:00)
Blaze Powder
Greater Power Catalyst

Potion Flask - Strength IV (0:15)

Increases Strength effect to level 4, but reduces its duration.
GUI Alchemic Chemistry Set.png
Potion Flask - Strength IV (0:15)
Blaze Powder
Greater Lengthening Catalyst

Potion Flask - Strength IV (4:44)

Increases the duration of Strength effect.

Refill potion

Recipe Note
GUI Alchemic Chemistry Set.png
Potion Flask
Weak Filling Agent

Potion Flask - some refill

Refilling depends on the number of effects that the potion has:
0 - +8 uses;
1 - +2(50%) or +3(50%) uses;
2 - +1(50%) or +2(50%) uses;
3+ useless.
GUI Alchemic Chemistry Set.png
Potion Flask
Standard Filling Agent

Potion Flask - some refill

Refilling depends on the number of effects that the potion has:
0 - +8 uses;
1 - +4 uses;
2 - +2 uses;
3 - +1 uses;
4+ useless.
GUI Alchemic Chemistry Set.png
Potion Flask
Enhanced Filling Agent

Potion Flask - some refill

Refilling depends on the number of effects that the potion has:
0 - +8 uses;
1 - +6 uses;
2 - +4 uses;
3 - +3 uses;
4-5 - +2 uses;
6+ useless.
GUI Crafting Table.png
Potion Flask - Empty
Nether Wart

Glowstone Dust

Potion Flask - Full

Refill and remove all effects.

Usage in recipes

Potion Flask (Blood Magic) has no known uses in crafting.