Rune of Dislocation

Rune of Dislocation
Rune of Dislocation

Name Rune of Dislocation
Source Mod Blood Magic
ID Name
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Blast Resistance 15.0
Hardness 2.0
Solid Yes
Transparent No
Affected by Gravity No
Emits Light No
Flammable No
Required Tool Iron Pickaxe

The Rune of Dislocation is an upgrade component for the Blood Altar.

The default transfer rate at which Life Essence (LP) can be pumped into or out of the altar is 20 LP/s. Each Rune of Dislocation increases the rate by 20%. This bonus is multiplicative: two runes will increase the speed 44%, three increases by 72% and so on.

Formula: Transfer rate [LP/s] = 20 LP/s * 1,2x
x=amount of Rune of Dislocation

Be aware: Without Rune of Augmented Capacity or Rune of Superior Capacity and without Rune of Acceleration the transfer rate is limited to max. 1000 LP/s(max multiplicative can be reach with 22 runes).

If you want balance between your Runes of Superior Capacity and your Runes of Dislocation, use this
Formula: log(1,1C*50) / log(1,2) = Runes of Dislocation needed, you will most likely want to round it down.
C = amount of Runes of Superior Capacity

Runes of Dislocation are vital for any blood mage that plans to move liquid life essence around the world.


GUI Crafting Table.png
Water Bucket (Minecraft)
Water Bucket (Minecraft)
Magician's Blood Orb
Water Bucket (Minecraft)
Imbued Slate
Rune of Dislocation

Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode

GUI Crafting Table.png
Imbued Slate

Magician's Blood Orb
Blood Rune
Water Bucket (Minecraft)
Blood Rune
Rune of Dislocation

Magician's Blood Orb Magician's Blood Orb can be substituted with the following items: Master Blood Orb Master Blood Orb, Archmage's Blood Orb Archmage's Blood Orb, Transcendent Blood Orb Transcendent Blood Orb, Eldritch Blood Orb Eldritch Blood Orb.


Rune of Dislocation has no known uses in crafting.