Test Pack Please Ignore
Test Pack Please Ignore | |
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Name | Test Pack Please Ignore |
Creator | TPPI Team |
Launcher | Feed The Beast Launcher |
Latest Version | 1.1.2 |
Minecraft Version | 1.6.4 |
Test Pack Please Ignore (TPPI) is private third-party GregTech 4-based pack designed for Feed The Beast Subreddit. The pack was designed and configured with a much slower feel to it. This, along with an extensive modlist, allows for more long-term worlds. Apart from a list of the top 1.6.4 mods, it includes a utility mod TPPI-Tweaks.
Version | Release Date | Changes |
0.1.0 | January 23, 2014 | Modpack pre-release as a private pack under the password "MegaSharkPunch" |
0.1.1 | January 24, 2014 | Bug Fixes |
0.1.2 | January 25, 2014 | Bug Fixes |
0.2.0 | February 2, 2014 | Mod Updates, Tweaks, Bug Fixes |
0.2.1 | February 5, 2014 | Bug Fixes |
0.2.2 | February 11, 2014 | Bug Fixes |
0.2.3 | February 12, 2014 | Bug Fixes |
0.3.0 | March 7, 2014 | Added Advanced Genetics, ServerTools, Infernal Mobs, Removed Mariculture, LegacyCraft and Dragon API. |
1.0.0/1 PRE | March 29, 2014 | Pre-release of public version, includes many mod updates and a few additions. |
1.0.2 PRE | March 30, 2014 | Many bug fixes since 1.0.0/1, brings the pack nearer to public release. |
1.0.3 PRE | April 23, 2014 | Huge amount of bug fixes since 1.0.2, more tweaks, Enhanced Portals 3 removed, JABBA added to the pack. |
1.0.4 PRE | May 25, 2014 | More bug fixes, mod updates and tweaks. Remote IO removed from the pack. EiraIRC, OpenEye, TiCTooltips, and FZAddons added to the pack. |
1.0.5 PRE | August 5, 2014 | Redstone Armory and Animation API (for Ars Magica 2) added. TPPI-Tweaks split into 3 mods: TPPI-Tweaks, Modpack Tweaks, and Recipe Tweaking Core. Various mod updates and config tweaks. Note: This version broke crafting so is therefore not available to download anywhere. |
1.0.6 PRE | August 8, 2014 | Crafting was fixed and now works. MFFS and Thermal Expansion updated. |
1.1.0 | August 23, 2014 | Public release! Updated Redstone armory and some other config tweaks. Was removed from launcher due to being broken. |
1.1.1 | August 25, 2014 | Fixed 1.1.0 brokenness, proper public release. Some minor mod updates and config changes. |
1.1.2 | September 28, 2014 | Mod version updates for Carpenter's Blocks, Mekanism, Logistics Pipes, TPPI Tweaks and EiraIRC. Some very minor config tweaks. |
Mod List[edit]
As of version 1.1.2 TPPI contains the following mods.
- AnimationAPI
- AutoUtils
- BDLib
- CodeChickenCore
- CoFH Core
- denLib
- Emasher Resource
- ForgeMultipart
- iChunUtil
- MobiusCore
- PowerCrystals Core
- Resonant Engine Development
- Universal Electricity Core
- Advanced Genetics
- Applied Energistics
- ArmorStatusHUD
- Ars Magica 2
- BiblioCraft
- Big Reactors
- Biomes O' Plenty
- Blood Magic
- Botania
- BuildCraft
- ComputerCraft
- Carpenter's Blocks
- Chisel
- Damage Indicators
- DartCraft
- Dimensional Anchors
- EiraIRC
- EnderIO
- EnderStorage
- Ender Prospecting
- Engineer's Toolbox
- Extra Utilities
- Factorization
- Flat Signs
- Forestry
- Hardcore Ender Expansion
- Immibis's Microblocks
- IndustrialCraft2 Experimental
- Infernal Mobs
- InfiniBows
- Inventory Tweaks
- Iron Chests
- Magical Crops
- Mekanism
- Modular Force Field System
- MineFactory Reloaded
- MineTweaker
- Modular Powersuits
- Morph
- Mystcraft
- Natura
- Not Enough Items
- Nether Ores
- Not Enough Keys
- Obsidian Pressure Plates
- OpenBlocks
- OpenEye
- Opis
- Pam's Clay Spawn
- Portal Gun
- Project:Red
- Railcraft
- ServerTools
- SortFix
- Steve's Carts 2
- Steve's Factory Manager
- Thaumcraft 4
- Thermal Expansion
- Tinkers' Construct
- Translocators
- Twilight Forest
- Witchery
- Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition
- Xeno's Reliquary
External Links[edit]