Feed The Beast Unleashed

Feed The Beast Unleashed
Feed The Beast Unleashed
Name Feed The Beast Unleashed
Creator The FTB Team
Launcher Feed The Beast Launcher
Latest Version 1.1.7
Minecraft Version 1.5.2
Website Official Website and Changelog

Feed The Beast Unleashed is a spiritual successor of the popular FTB Ultimate modpack. First release of Unleashed pack was under the private pack code "FTBUnleashed" on July 20, 2013 for Minecraft 1.5.2. It replaces the Feed The Beast Ultimate Pack as the primary FTB modpack, while Feed The Beast Unhinged was created as an alternative which includes GregTech. This split is primarily the result of a conflict between GregoriousT (maker of GregTech 4) and mDiyo (maker of Tinkers' Construct). It was in turn replaced by the Feed The Beast Monster Pack for 1.6.4.

This pack, together with its two siblings Feed The Beast Unhinged and the Direwolf20 1.5 Pack, were released to public on July 30, 2013 as version 1.1.0.


As of version 1.1.7 the Feed The Beast Unleashed contains the following mods:

Core Mods

Non-Core Mods

External Links